09/09 – September energy portal

Through this September energetic portal, love and kindness burst forth in a restorative bath of light.
The energetic portal of September opens on the 9th and closes on the 27th. A very interesting period in which the earth facilitates the connection with a powerful vibration of light that allows human beings to make a change of consciousness. Pure energy destined to do good and enhance personal evolution.
Through this September energetic portal, love and kindness burst forth in a restorative bath of light. The time to put an end to old times and unfinished projects. The energy of the portal will allow us to look forward, ready to face new challenges.
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It often happens that the hustle and bustle of everyday life prevents us from developing spiritually. We are slaves to family, work, social obligations… We forget the search for the inner self to focus exclusively on the outer self, the one that everyone can see. But there comes a time when we need more. This September energy portal will help us to recharge all that energy we have lost over time and allow us to improve personally.
September energy portal and spiritual growth
The great amount of energy offered by the opening of this portal propels us to a spiritual evolution. We begin to be clear about many things that until recently we doubted. The light makes room in the darkness, our spirit breathes free then. It is time to face new challenges.
The powerful vibration of light emitted by the energetic portal of September awakens the dormant spirit. We understand that fear is overcome by cultivating courage. Challenges unsettle, but they also attract. Throwing ourselves into them, headlong but without fear, is the right way to move forward in life. The new consciousness awakened during these days from the ninth to the twenty-seventh of September will be our best support.
The pure energy emanating from the energetic portal of September also favors the healing of past experiences. The guilt for bad deeds done in the past accumulates in the soul, becoming a heavy burden that slows down our spiritual evolution. We must learn to get rid of negative energies with the help of this powerful beneficial light.
Resentment, hatred, guilt, melancholy or depression disappear if we know how to take advantage of what the energetic portal offers us. To perceive and understand the light, that special vibration, is the beginning of a new life. The moment in which we reach another stage that indicates that we have evolved spiritually. We are different human beings. We know more, we are aware of many things that we did not even suspect existed before. Something that allows us to be closer to the primordial light. That of which we are a tiny but significant part of its essence and with which one day we will merge to close the cycle.
Exercise to do while the energetic portal of September lasts
Between the ninth and the twenty-seventh of September (any of those days), we can write on a piece of paper nine things we want to be grateful for. The ideal time to do this is at nine o’clock in the morning or nine o’clock at night. After the opening period of the energetic portal of September we will burn the paper and scatter the ashes on the earth. The sacred energy will know how to appreciate our gratitude.
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