No more suffering! These 4 signs end a 16-year karmic cycle

Since 2008, the cardinal signs – Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn – have gone through a profound 16-year karmic cycle, with Pluto in Capricorn exerting an intense and transformative influence. This cycle finally comes to an end with the entry of Pluto into Aquarius, bringing to a close a period of challenges, learning and profound transformations.
In this article, we’ll explore what karmic cycles are, what these four signs have learnt and how their lives will change from now on. Remember that this cycle only applies to the sun sign, not the ascendant or lunar sign.
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What are karmic cycles?
Karmic cycles are periods of time in which souls face specific challenges designed to teach profound lessons and transform essential areas of their lives. Astrology associates these cycles with planetary influences, such as the movement of Pluto, a planet that rules death, rebirth and profound transformation. During these cycles, individuals are tested in various areas of their lives, and these experiences force them to grow spiritually, emotionally and even physically.
Pluto, in Capricorn since 2008, has directly affected the cardinal signs because they form a cross in the zodiac when we look at the astrological chart. This means that these signs, being in angular positions in relation to Capricorn, are the ones most impacted by the movements and aspects of this transforming planet.
The impact of Pluto in Capricorn
Pluto, known for its ability to unearth what is hidden, brought lessons about power, control and the need for rebirth to Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. These signs faced personal crises that forced them to re-evaluate their values, priorities and relationships, being challenged to leave behind patterns that no longer served their growth.
Now, with the entry of Pluto into Aquarius, these transformations are coming to an end. These four signs have not only overcome their karmic obstacles, but are also ready to embrace a new phase of life with more awareness and balance.
The lessons learnt by each cardinal sign during the karmic cycle
What to expect with Pluto in Aquarius after the karmic cycle?
With the entry of Pluto into Aquarius, these four signs are freed from the karmic lessons that have accompanied them for 16 years. Aquarius brings an energy of innovation, freedom and breaking paradigms, suggesting that Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn are ready for a phase of expansion.
The restrictions and pains of the past cycle dissolve, and now these signs can build their lives on the basis of the lessons learnt, without the weight of old karmic lessons.
This new cycle will allow Aries to act strategically, Cancer to take care of itself without guilt, Libra to position itself with confidence, and Capricorn to embrace detachment without fear of losing control.
The end of the 16-year karmic cycle represents a great liberation for the cardinal signs, who have faced profound and transformative lessons since 2008. With Pluto in Aquarius, Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn can now live more authentically and without the ties that kept them bound to old patterns. The time has come to shine with more wisdom, balance and self-confidence, free to build a future in line with their true desires and needs.
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