555 Manifestation Formula and the Law of Attraction

The 555 Manifestation Formula is a resource used by followers of the Law of Attraction to focus on a specific goal or desire, reprogram the unconscious, and tune into the power of creation.
It is a very simple method, which consists on selecting an intention, transforming it into an affirmation (present tense), and writing it 55 times during 5 consecutive days.
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This system is especially favorable for those practitioners who have difficulties in focusing their attention, when visualizing; or for those who prefer tangible work items.
Keep in mind that the 555 Manifestation Formula, also known as 55 x 5, is much more than just writing the magic objective. You have to enjoy the process; envision desire; and maintain consistency, before, during and after the exercise.
Unlike visualization, envisioning requires connecting with an emotion (how you will feel when you get what you want), and not just concentrating on the mental image of the desired object or situation.
In the same way, to be coherent, thoughts must be aligned with actions and feelings, based on the subject’s awareness of worthiness.
How to perform the 555 Manifestation Formula?
Before performing the 555 Manifestation Formula, remember that, like any strategy associated with the Law of Attraction, it requires confidence in the results (doubt diminishes the power of intention).
It is important to note that each teacher has developed their own approach to the 555 manifestation technique, so there may be differences, with respect to the method that will be presented below.
It does not mean that one is better than the other, or that one works and the other does not, but that there are variants, created from the personal experience of those involved in the exercise.
Steps to follow
- Pick a wish, goal, or habit.
- Make it short, specific, and easy to memorize (for example, “I am happy and grateful for my new job“).
- Take a pencil and paper (loose leaves, a notebook, or a notepad; you can also use a pen or pencil, preferably with black ink).
- Write the chosen affirmation 55 times (enjoying the process, without stress, and connecting with the joy of receiving what you want).
- Repeat the procedure for 5 consecutive days, without interruption, always using the same affirmation.
Final Recommendations
Perform the exercise at a time of day when you are calm, and with little chance of being interrupted (generally, the first hours of the morning are recommended).
Write the statement 55 times, in the selected time period. Although some teachers explain that there are no disadvantages in distributing the writing time throughout the day. By doing it all at once, you avoid forgetting the practice.
Another relevant point is to work an intention or goal per 5-day cycle, so as not to dissipate the energy. If you feel the need to repeat the cycle, with the same desire, for another five days, you can do it.
If you work with a pad or notebook, before starting a new cycle of 5 days (with the same objective or a new one), leave a blank page.
Those who use loose leaves, can keep them until the end of the cycle (the 5 days), or until the affirmation materializes, (the Law of Attraction works in the perfect time).

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