Acupuncture points: energy channels in the human body

Acupuncture points are located in the meridians or energy channels that run through our body. Energy channels are like rivers through which vital energy circulates, called Qi in Traditional Chinese Medicine.
In these meridians, the energy must circulate fluidly, gently, connecting the surface of our body with the various internal organs, forming a true energy network of connections. In total there are 361 acupuncture points, divided into 12 meridians.
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You will discover the most traditional meridians, their function and the number of acupuncture points that are in them.
Acupuncture points on Ying channels

The Lung’s Meridian: 11 bilateral points
It begins in the thorax, in the area located under the clavicle, runs through the arm and forearm on the front and ends in the thumb.
It governs the lung, the respiratory tract, larynx, and nostrils, among others; it helps in respiratory problems such as asthma, chronic bronchitis, loss of voice or problems due to gastric discomfort (diarrhea or indigestion, etc.)

Meridian of the Spleen-Pancreas: 21 bilateral points
It starts on the big toe, follows the inner edge of the foot and the inside of the leg to the front of the abdomen and the lateral thorax, ending in the intercostal space.
It controls the spleen, its regulating function on the blood and the pancreas in its function of internal secretion of insulin that regulates the glycogen reserves of the liver.

The Heart’s Meridian: 9 bilateral points
It begins in the armpit, passes through the inside of the arm, follows the forearm, and crosses the first on the inside to the end of the little finger.
Its function is regulating cardiac function. It treats cardiac problems of all type (infarctions, arrhythmias, tachycardia among others) and also speech problems.

Meridian of the Kidney: 27 symmetrical points
It is located on the sole of the foot, it goes up the inner side of the foot, on the inner side of the whole leg until it reaches the abdomen and thorax, close to the median line and ends under the clavicle.
It regulates the kidneys’ functioning and the suprarenal gland; it has an influence on sexual functioning as well.

Meridian of the Pericardium (Circulation and sexuality): 9 bilateral points
It begins in the thorax, outside the nipple; it is then introduced into the inside of the arm to reach the end of the middle finger.
It does not represent any particular organ, but regulates the function of the circulation that influences the heart and the sexual organs. It balances the sympathetic-parasympathetic state.

Meridian of the Liver: 14 symmetrical points
It begins at the end of the big toe, continues along the inner edge of the entire leg until it reaches the abdomen, ends in the intercostal space. It regulates the various functions of the liver, mainly those related to metabolism, sexuality, muscles and vision.
Acupuncture points in the Yang channels

Meridian of the Gallbladder: 44 Acupuncture points
It begins at the outer commissure of the eye, goes to the ear with a series of complex curves until it reaches the shoulder, continues along the lateral part of the thorax, goes down the outside of the thigh, and through the knee until it reaches the fourth toe. It influences the biliary function, intra and extra-hepatic.

Meridian of the Stomach: 45 bilateral points
It starts in the head from the root of the nose and goes up to the inside of the eyes, then down the cheek, neck, thorax and abdomen; it keeps going down the anterior external side of the thigh to the knee and stops at the end of the second toe. It controls the functioning of the stomach and the duodenum – its digestive and transforming functions of food.

Large Intestine Meridian: 20 bilateral points
It begins at the tip of the index finger and runs through the hand, wrist, forearm, arm, shoulder, neck, cheek, the edge of the lips to the side of the nose. It controls the functions of the large intestine, the absorption of liquids and the elimination of heavy residues.

Small Intestine Meridian: 19 bilateral points
It begins at the end of the little finger, continues on the inside of the hand, arm, to the shoulder where it zigzags and enters the neck and up to the cheek, ending in the ear. It controls the functioning of the intestine, separating the pure from the impure and controls the fluids: borborygmus, diarrhea or constipation, frequent and scarce or clear and abundant urine, hematuria.

Meridian of the Bladder: 67 bilateral points
It is the most extensive meridian of the body. It starts at the inner corner of the eye, goes up the forehead, crosses the skull from front to back, forming the middle line, down the neck, back running the coccyx, buttocks, back side of the thigh, calf, until it stops at the fifth toe. It governs all the functions that regulate the elimination of kidney and bladder waste.

Triple Meridian Heater: 23 bilateral points
It starts at the end of the ring finger, goes up the outside of the hand, forearm, and outer side of the arm, reaches the shoulder neck and nape, circles the ear and reaches the side of the eyebrow. It has a triple function, regulates functioning, digestive, cardiorespiratory and genital-urinary. It controls the energy of the whole body.
The last two acupuncture points

Acupuncture points: Governor vessel, 28 odd points
It starts at the tip of the coccyx, goes up through the sacral, lumbar, thoracic, cervical, to the skull, down the face and ends in the mouth, in the gum between the two upper incisors. This meridian is one of the Eight Wonderful Vessels and is closely related to the functions of the central nervous system.

Acupuncture points: Ren Mai, 24 odd points
It starts at the Pyrenees in front of the anus, and continues in front, it goes up following the anterior median line, through the abdomen, thorax, up the neck and ends in the face above the chin.
Like the governing vessel, it is not united with any internal organ. It has, however, an influence that controls the Yin channels. It has influence on reproductive functions, hence its name of conception vessel.
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