Adoption and reincarnation: is there a correlation?

Today, we try to understand if there is a connection between adoption and reincarnation.
Being a parent is an incredible emotional state, a love that is eternally established in the heart through caring and relating to a baby or a child. It’s wrong to think that motherhood is restricted to the natural generation of life through the womb. Our ability to love is far greater than biology.
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The adoption process is an alternative for those who want to start a family and cannot get by natural means. But, fortunately, the number of people who choose to adopt and who can have children is growing, choosing to dedicate their love to a child who is born and cannot be with the biological family.
Permitting couples to adopt in a same sex relationship has also done a great deal so that more and more children can have a family, a home, the love and the care they deserve.
The connection between adoption and reincarnation
Karmic rescues
As in the matter, the spiritual life is very diverse. There are no rules and each case occurs within its peculiarities and needs of the spirits involved. However, the years of existence of esoteric and spiritualist schools allow us to realize that some karmic rescues are common in adoption cases.
There are many cases where the spirit decides to heal within itself the feelings that may arise with an adoption. Revolt, low self-esteem, and a sense of inferiority are common but not rules. Only by contacting these feelings so deeply can we overcome them by ourselves.
Karma of the children
In some situations we see children not valuing their parents. Out of pride, selfishness, and vanity, they become tyrants of their parents, enslaving them to their whims, and paying with ingratitude and pain all the tenderness and love they have been offered. Many go to the extreme of physical violence or abandon their parents to their fate when they are elderly.
When these spirits die and remember divine laws, they see the atrocities they have committed and seek reparation and reconciliation. Then, children are given another chance to rediscover those same parents whom they did not value, rescuing yesterday’s affection, love, and tenderness.
The Law of Eternal Return and divine mercy allow this reunion, no longer in a biological way, but through the heart, causing these children to reach the arms of their parents through the ways of adoption.
Karma of the parents
Like children, parents can also be involved in the following: abandonment, abuse of all kinds, humiliation, violence. When they return to the spirit world they awaken, realizing the gravity of their actions. Like everyone else, they receive the divine grace to learn from their mistakes and to recover and repair mistakes made in the past.
Barred from natural life, they receive that child by adoption, to further value all the aspects that the magic of parenting has to offer, especially in terms of spiritual growth. They can then enjoy the unconditional love that only parent-child relations provides.
Adoption and reincarnation – Divine gift
The Law of Eternal Return is the divine law in charge of justice. Maybe this woman could not bear children; but this same woman, throughout her current experience, makes ever more loving choices that promote her and others’ growth, always making herself available to divine love. Without revolt, she accepts the fact that she will not be a biological mother, but keeps that will in her heart.
Then spirituality, due to the mother’s own actions and deserving, gives her that opportunity and brings a child to her. How cases are there of parents not even looking for a child, who have never started the adoption process, and the child simply comes to them?
Other times, spiritual friends volunteer to raise their children for someone who will not be able, with that goal as their life mission. They are born, grow up, bear children, and depart. These are cases where sisters who take on the children of a deceased sister, friends, cousins… In adversity, love is even more present.
Adoption and reincarnation – Gratitude
Adoptive parents should not fear the birth mother. Whether or not they have contact with her, especially in spiritual terms, they should always be grateful to the person who brought the child into the world. Without this piece, the familiar puzzle would not have formed.
Good energies and gratitude should always be sent to the birth mother. They should also help to create the same feeling in the child, discouraging feelings of anger, sadness or anger towards the biological mother.
Inner strenght
It is natural for a child who has been adopted to have an inclination to feelings of abandonment and inferiority. Without this element it is hard enough to remain sane in the world, imagine for a child who cannot live with their parents. It may be that, despite the love she receives, she has more difficulty developing security in life and self-love.
As already mentioned, in many cases this is one of the reasons that some spirits choose to come into the world through adoption, so parents should take extra care in raising this child, encouraging inner strength, self-esteem and security so that she can grow in the best emotional conditions and only enjoy love and not pain. So you know how to value what you have, instead of what you didn’t have. So that she can heal.
Adopting is divine, spiritual and noble. It is to comply with the laws of the world that are outside social standards. It is being strong to face prejudice and being ready to talk about love, only love. And nothing matters more than love.
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