Akasha: everything you need to know

Notion present in various traditions and philosophical currents, Akasha represents the sound. Akasha is seen as one of the constituent elements of the physical part of being, of the universe, of all that is. This conception has many consequences for our way of thinking about our being, our world.
Sound is the constituent element of ether and space. For the sound to exist, it must be heard. Without this, the sound exists only as potential. It is the very act of hearing that allows the sound to be fully realized. If it does exist despite the absence of an auditor, it is deprived of any possibility of being updated. There is a potential waiting for action and efficiency.
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In Indian philosophical schools, sound is space and ether. Without it, the other elements are deprived of a place to deploy, to simply be and to exist. So, sound is the element that allows life. It opens to the other elements a probable existence, which gives them the means to realize their full potential, to combine, to separate, to multiply, to divide, etc.
Akasha and Akashic Annals
The Akashic Annals, also called the “Memory of the Soul”, are a spiritual place where are recorded the records of life of every human being, the good he has done, the evil, his mistakes, his successes, his different incarnations, his karmic debts, paid or not. They are also called the “Memory of the Universe” because they contain all the evolutionary stages of the universe, its changes, its cataclysms, its treasures, its history, etc.
Of course, the Akashic Annals are not perceptible with our five senses, but through our spiritual evolution; we can access these archives through a very simple relaxation process. On the other hand, during visits to the Akashic Annals, you see, hear, feel everything around you.
Visits to the archives are engraved directly in our psyche, and even ten years later, you will transcribe exactly what you have seen, without any distortion or interpretation. The Akashic Annals are The Truth, whether it pleases you or disturbs you.
Visits to the Akashic Annals are either in the Past, the Present, or Potential Futures. Why Potential Futures? Simply because each human being does not have only one Future already traced. They trace their future from the experience of their Past and their thoughts, words, deeds, feelings, of the Present. It is for this reason that there are always several futures possible.
Akasha Yoga
Energy yoga or Akasha yoga is a complete process of energy activation in progressive stages, which consists of eighteen preliminary movements.
Energy yoga is one of the many forms of Hatha-Yoga, with a strong awareness of energies from the start (Prâna). The energies are manifested by different atmospheres, day and night, the sun (Ha) and the moon (Tha), the sky and the earth, the masculine and the feminine, etc. all the game of complementarities at the base of changes.
These complex forces are rhythmic according to the seasons and influence our lives and our internal functions. The circulation of energy is a powerful means of well-being and health.
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