The most efficient amulets against evil eye

If you have been feeling bad lately, beware, you can be suffering from evil eye. Symptoms that remain for many days or weeks without apparent cause can be a sign of negative energy manifestation on you. Excess fatigue or sadness and feeling of heaviness in the back are the most common symptoms. Learn to protect yourself and get to know the most efficient amulets against evil eye.
Amulets against evil eye
You can protect yourself from evil eye in many ways. You can do it through personal use or put amulets against evil eye in your home or work environment. Special baths also help you keep the negative energies away from you. However, in this article we will focus on the physical amulets.
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Greek eye
The number 1 in protection against evil eye may be the Greek eye (or Turkish eye). The symbol began to be used in Europe and today is one of the most used for this purpose worldwide.
The figure of a blue eye is usually made of glass or stone. The easiest way to use it is to get one and hang it in your house. As the symbol has a very strong aesthetic appeal, it is also widely used in jewelry. Choose a ring, bracelet or necklace with the Greek eye and be protected wherever you go.

Amulets against evil eye – Fig
The fig is an originally Italian amulet. In Italy, they call it “Mano Fico”. Mano means hand and Fico means fig. The symbol consists of a hand with the thumb under the indicator. The ancient Romans created this gesture and named it so because the hand closed like this reminds of the fig fruit. Beyond the fig tree be synonymous with fertility and protection.
Generally, it is made of wood and can be found of various sizes. It is very common for people to use a mini fig made of wood and attach it to a baby’s clothing shortly after the birth.

Another great option to ward off the negative energies is the horseshoe. It is an ancient symbol that represents prosperity and happiness. Ideally, it is better if you hang a real horseshoe behind the front door of the place you want to protect. But if you do not have an original, reproductions also work.
Because it has a relationship with money, tradesmen often make use of it to protect their business from evil eye.

Amulets against evil eye – Rue
In addition to being a medicinal plant, rue is also an amulet against evil eye. The ancient Greeks and Romans who began to make use of it, always carrying a branch of rue in their hands. Later, they began to use the plant on small branches behind the ears. They believed that the plant had great powers to ward off evil and cure diseases.
In addition to the baths, you can dry a tiny branch, put it in a cloth bag and carry it with you. It is also interesting to have a pot with rue at home. But be very careful with this plant and never eat it, because it is poisonous.

Wind Chimes
The junction of the wind with the vibration of sounds can do wonders for your home. Wind chimes have the power to circulate the negative energy that might be standing around you. Its sound is also therapeutic and will surely do you better if you have an evil eye. Choose one that you find beautiful and hang on the window or porch.
We remember that even though you use amulets against evil eye, the most important thing is the thought. By protecting yourself, the connection to the Divine must be very close. Always talk to who or what you believe to ask for protection. Always have positive thoughts of healing and half the work will already be done.
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