Aquarius and the 12 Zodiac houses

All 12 Zodiac signs are present in your Zodiac map! You are influenced by the energies of the 12 signs, although in different areas of your life, and with distinct intensity. The signs influence particular aspects of your life depending on the house you find them in your natal chart. The natal chart is composed of planets and aspects between the stars, such as squares, trines, or sextiles. It’s complex, for sure! Despite that, by breaking down the information, you can learn how to interpret your natal chart. Deepen your understanding of your natal chart translates into profound self-knowledge!
Once you know your sun, rising and moon signs, a smart move is to learn about the zodiac signs you have on each house of your map. Here you can find information about Aquarius and the 12 Zodiac houses.
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Learn more about yourself and the energies in your life!
Aquarius and the 12 Zodiac houses: find Aquarius in your natal chart
If you are not familiar with your natal chart, don’t worry! It’s not that complicated.
Right now, what you want is to find the house where you have Aquarius on your natal chart. Therefore, after entering your data (there are multiple websites where you can do it for free), it will show you your natal chart. Double-check online the symbol for Aquarius, since sometimes there are slight changes.
After that, you need to find out the symbol on your chart. Spot the cusp, the line on the left that comes from the center, that intercepts Aquarius. In the center, usually, you can find the number of the house. Each house represents a particular aspect of your life!
Right now, you are almost ready to find out how Aquarius influences your life. By scrolling down, you can find the way it interacts with all the houses.
Nevertheless, before moving forward to Aquarius and the 12 zodiac houses, take a moment to learn more about Aquarius energies.
Aquarius vibes
Aquarius ‘energy is a light coming from the sky to bring clarity. Symbolizes big dreams, and great projects. Is the energy of independence, intellectual progress, and social differences. It’s both the will of being with the others, of friendship and individual freedom.
It’s where your mind opens and you learn how to accept both the equals and the distinct people, situations, or energies. There is a sense of community, of making sense of all those differences and finding the place of each piece of the puzzle.
Where you have Aquarius energy you might find yourself in a struggle between wanting to belong and at the same time preserve your individual characteristics. Despite that, in that area you find yourself being a good partner and loyal friend that respects the differences.
On top of that, there is a tendency for creating new worlds, to think outside the box and be original. It’s the area of your map where you can break prejudice and break limits. At the same time, it’s a connection with science and knowledge.
It also represents the aspect of your life where you feel different and an outsider. It’s important to embrace that and with time, learn how to be proud of your particularities and use it as a strength and not a limitation.
This is the area of your life where you are revolutionary, where you want to do something different, be rebellious. It’s hallucination, velocity, intensity, dynamism, and sometimes it is hard for others to understand your choices.
The lowest vibes of Aquarius are connected to arrogance, elitism, and antipathy behaviors. The distance becomes deliberated and based on the idea that the person is better than the others.
At its best, Aquarius’ vibes will help you come up with new solutions for your life or the world.
Embrace the energies Aquarius in your life
By learning how to access the highest vibes of each sign, you can access more of your potential.
Frequently, we reject some influences, while often we also only access the low vibes of a sign. Consequently, it’s important to understand how you are dealing with the energies of Aquarius in your life. You can be rejecting it, accessing the down vibes of Aquarius, or already be using it’s most positive aspects. Adding to that, there are simple actions you can increment in your life that help you potentialize these vibes.
Concerning Aquarius, we have a few simple tips to share with you.
Three simple things to integrate the energies of Aquarius in your life:
- Choose one topic of your life (it can be the aspect where you have Aquarius on your map) and with a group of friends, have a brainstorm about it.
- Do something by yourself, go to the cinema, to the theatre, or have dinner out, by yourself. Embrace your independence.
- Make a list of the things you consider yourself different from your friends and family, and embrace the positive aspects of that list.
Aquarius and the 12 Zodiac houses
Aquarius in house 1
If Aquarius is your Rising sign, you love to look and do everything in a distinct and new way. The danger is that in such a search you end up losing yourself.
But there’s more, check out Aquarius in house 1 to learn about it.
Aquarius in house 2
You’ll make money creatively and distinctly, and there’s a great chance you love using technology as a means of work.
Check out Aquarius in house 2 and learn more about it.
Aquarius in house 3
There’s a great chance that, at least in your mind, you’re always looking for new answers and new worlds. You might even live in a world of your own.
But there’s more to learn about Aquarius in house 3 and the way you think and see the world.
Aquarius in house 4
Your home is the world, you feel really different from other people and you can never feel trapped.
House 4 will also talk about your roots, find out how Aquarius in house 4 influences it.
Aquarius in house 5
If one day you have kids, you’ll need to give a lot of structure to your children. Also, your pleasure is most likely related to technology.
Check out Aquarius in house 5 and learn more about it.
Aquarius in house 6
It’s so important that your job is something different, in which you can be creative. You need to be careful with your nervous system.
Check out Aquarius in house 6 and learn more about it.
Aquarius in house 7
You keep attracting eccentric people who look for freedom and independence.
Check out Aquarius in house 7 and understand how it contributes to balancing your energies.
Aquarius in house 8
You have a life of big transformations, which will many times look absolutely impossible.
Check out Aquarius in house 8 to understand how it influences you.
Aquarius in house 9
You want to change the world, and you want to be in the world. You want to keep moving all the time and finding new solutions for the problems you see along your journeys.
Check out Aquarius in house 9 and learn more about it.
Aquarius in house 10
You come from stable bases, but you can do whatever you want with your future. You are the designer of your own life and once you embrace it, you have the power to dream and create the life that most fulfills you.
Check out Aquarius in house 10 and learn more about your future.
Aquarius in house 11
Your friends and groups will play an important role in your life. They are the base of your inner revolutions and you can change the path of your life based on the challenges and teachings of your friends.
Check out Aquarius in house 11 and learn more about it.
Aquarius in house 12
Your relationship with the divine is one of creativity. The challenge of your life is to trust your disruptive thinking and embrace the benefits it has in your path.
Check out Aquarius in house 12 and learn more about it.
Aquarius’ energy is in your life to teach you that you are also a genius, that you also have the power to create new ideas, to create worlds. You don’t need to conform with the way things were shown to you, you can choose to make your life and the world a better place.