Aquarius Horoscope 2020

Looking for the Aquarius Horoscope for 2020? Every month, you will find here the astrological forecasts for your zodiac sign. Check the Horoscope for Aquarius, in 2020.
Aquarius Horoscope 2020: a year in review
Horoscope 2020 – Aquarius in January
On 01/10, Uranus will begin its direct trajectory in House IV of Aquarius, allowing to adjust domestic routines, undertake necessary repairs, resume contact with family members, and establish a plan that drives you to leave the comfortable area.
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The lunar eclipse in Cancer on January 10 will touch House VI of Aquarius, resulting in the review of processes, associated with work dynamics. The Aquarian can set goals, which involve changes in department, salary conditions, or position in the business hierarchy.
With the Sun in Aquarius, starting at 01/20, you will feel full of energy and physical vitality. It is a good time to connect with your essence, and redefine personal goals, in the short and medium term.
Horoscope 2020 – Aquarius in February
The presence of Ceres in Aquarius, during February 2020, highlights the importance of maintaining contact with friends, and other members of your social circle; since interaction with others increases the creative level.
On February 16, Mercury will begin to retrograde in the Water House II, so you should avoid buying or selling properties, hasty investment decisions, and signing agreements.
The entrance of Mars in the XII House of Aquarius (16/02) promotes the formation of a stellium (accumulation of planets) in the XII House of Aquarius where, in addition to the warrior planet, we can find Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, the asteroid Pallas and the South Node.
A stellium in House XII of Aquarius, which involves the participation of Mars, suggests the need to work actively for the common good, both spiritually (meditation, prayer, rituals), and on the physical level (charitable works, service). Break the isolation patterns.
Horoscope 2020 – Aquarius in March
On March 21, Saturn will enter Aquarius, aiming to take responsibility for your actions, work on the imposition of healthy limits, and flexible thinking.
The arrival of the Sun at the House III of Aquarius (03/19), favors the participation in courses and seminars of short duration, small trips to the surroundings, publication in mass media, and diffusion of ideas.
From March 04 to 08, retrograde Mercury will be moving over Aquarius. Although it is a short transit, it is advisable to take precautions against the possibility of contracting influenza, respiratory, or allergic conditions.
The planet of communication (Mercury) will begin direct phase on 03/09, and will remain in this location until 03/16.
Horoscope 2020 – Aquarius in April
On April 3, Venus will enter the 5th House of Aquarius, increasing both the inspiration of the native, and the possibilities of enjoying a love affair. This transit also benefits relationships with children.
The entry of Ceres in House II of Aquarius (04/23), aims to offer financial support to loved ones who require it; and advice on the importance of personal value.
Pluto will begin to retrograde in House XII of Aquarius, on 04/25, referring to an internal crisis that can be transformed into something productive, if you learn from your mistakes and make good use of power.
Horoscope 2020 – Aquarius in May
With Venus retrograde in the V House of Aquarius, as of May 13, the work of consciousness and the healing of the bond with the inner child will be more accessible. It is not a good time for romance or irresponsible fun.
On May 13, Mars will enter the House II of Aquarius, an astrological position that, although it favors the achievement of financial resources, can boost participation in risky investments, from an unrealistic perspective.
Saturn will begin to retrograde in Aquarius on May 10. The subject may be reluctant to follow the rules, or abide by the procedures necessary for their well-being.
Horoscope 2020 – Aquarius in June
The Venus Star Point in Gemini will take place on June 3, on House V of Aquarius. The subject will reflect on whether creativity and natural talents are really being used or wasted.
Neptune will begin to retrograde in House II of Aquarius, on 06/23, so it is recommended (as far as possible) to avoid making important financial transactions, without requesting independent advice, and to be aware of all the details involved the operation.
The solar eclipse in Cancer on 06/21, will touch House VI of Aquarius, placeing the focus on the relationship you have with your bod, which you must provide.
Horoscope 2020 – Aquarius in July
On July 11, Chiron will begin its retrogradation process in House III of Aquarius, emphasizing the need to review the internal dialogue (what you say to yourself), and how you communicate with others.
The entry of the Sun in House VII of Aquarius (07/22) promotes the encounter with potential associates, and the conclusion of agreements and contracts, with favorable conditions for the native.
If you missed the personal reinvention portal, in matters of self-care, offered by the solar eclipse in Cancer on 06/21, you will have a new opportunity with the New Moon in the sign of the crab, which will take place on 07/20, on the VI House of Aquarius.
Horoscope 2020 – Aquarius in August
Uranus will begin to retrograde in House IV of Aquarius, on August 15, pointing towards the search for balance, between the independence of the subject and family and household responsibilities.
From August 04 to 18, Mercury will be traveling over the XI House of Aquarius, so it is an excellent period to expand your network of contacts (personal and professional), and enter new social groups, with common interests.
The Full Moon in Aquarius on 08/03, will encourage the sons and daughters of Aquarius to express their authenticity, analyze the results of teamwork, and cut with harmful habits.
Horoscope 2020 – Aquarius in September
The entrance of Venus in the House VII of Aquarius (09/06), propitiates a climate of harmony and complicity between the couples of the sign. Romantic getaways and conversations about the future will strengthen ties.
From September 5 to 26, Mercury will be moving over House IX of Aquarius, where the Sun will enter, on 09/22. With this configuration, trips, publications and academic procedures, which were under review, will have a green light to happen successfully.
On September 27, Ceres will begin to retrograde in Aquarius, so it will be necessary to ask about the barriers you impose, to prevent you from trusting others, and keep emotional distance.
Horoscope 2020 – Aquarius in October
Lilith’s entry into House IV of Aquarius (10/21), coupled with the presence of retrograde Uranus in this sector of the astral map, generating tensions in the family group. Avoid feeding resentment, holding on to the past.
From October 13 to 26, Mercury will be retrograde in the X House of Aquarius, so there may be conflicts of power with authority figures. It is not a good time to request charges or salary increases.
With the start of the direct phase of Pluto in House XII of Aquarius (10/04), the subject will experience greater confidence and emotional maturity. Attendance at psychological therapy sessions, to overcome deep fears, is well aspected during this period of the year.
Horoscope 2020 – Aquarius in November
The lunar eclipse in Gemini on November 30 will touch House V of Aquarius, so we talk about reviewing the concepts you handle, about what love and personal relationships mean.
On November 28, Neptune will begin direct trajectory in House II of Aquarius, whereby the subject will retain optimism, but will be aware of their financial reality, and willing to analyze objectively, purchase and investment plans.
The arrival of the Sun at the XI House of Aquarius (11/21) sponsors the practice of team sports activities, or with the participation of colleagues, friends and other members of your social circle.
Horoscope 2020 – Aquarius in December
On December 15, Chiron will begin direct trajectory in House III of Aquarius, promoting reconciliation with brothers (or neighbors), who had distanced themselves by conflict of ideas and interests.
From December 1 to 19, Mercury will be visiting the XI House of Aquarius, so it is a particularly favorable period for creative brainstorming, promoting group projects or initiatives with an impact on the collective.
Jupiter will enter Aquarius on 12/19, where it will remain until December 2021. With the planet of expansion in Aquarius, the coming year will be for personal growth, at all levels.
Aquarius Horoscope 2019: a year in review
First trimester
The influence of the stars will make the natives of Aquarius more romantic and give them a desire to enjoy intimacy during January, but there may also be outbursts of jealousy. Both single Aquarians and those in committed relationships will be more social. The Aquarians will be more attractive in March and will attract the attention of others. Those who have partners will be enjoyable and creative.
At work, there will be an in increase in socializing and forming strategic alliances with business partners. Expect a good administration of finances in February. It will be a good time to invest and take risks, but good preliminary analyses and guidance from trustworthy people are necessary.
There will be a special focus on your physical wellbeing and the improvement of your health, thanks to the influence of Uranus. With good physical and mental energy, it will be an ideal cycle to establish healthy habits. The vital energy is stable, but emotionally you could become very attached to people or beliefs.
Second trimester
Aquarians will feel the need to know more about their partner and themselves during the second trimester. Single people will start a very vivid romance and those who are in a relationship will enjoy their marital life. Some couples will plan a new direction for their relationship.
April will be an auspicious month for studying and expanding the visibility of a company or projects, especially by using the Internet. Aquarians will realize that they should organize their work and finances better, setting priorities and getting everything related to these topics in order. The ideas of the Aquarians will stand out at work; interpersonal relationships will support them.
With respect to health, these natives of the sign will be more responsible with their body, eating habits, physical development and emotional commitments among others. Beware of melancholic moods and low self-esteem. Look for support in the form of affection. You will need to rest and sleep well to recharge your batteries in June.
Third trimester
Love in the third trimester will be defined by complications in communicating with your partner. The couple’s friends will help them to overcome obstacles and rediscover each other and their bond. Younger couples will grow in confidence and older couples will improve their communication.
Communication will also be affected with business partners at the beginning of the third quarter, but there will be good energy for the development of independent projects. You will feel a certain passiveness at work and in business with others; you will have to participate and get more involved. The people who have international businesses will have very good astral support. It is a good time for publications and advertising.
In July, Aquarians will feel the need to recognize the limitations that hinder good communication in order to understand and overcome them. You will suffer from irritability and high tension in August, so it is a good idea to practice relaxation techniques more frequently. You will overcome some anxiety problems and face old fears or phobias.
Fourth trimester
Pluto will have a positive effect emotionally in October, helping Aquarians overcome fears and express their feelings in a better way. Singles will have opportunities to start a relationship with people who are closer than they realize. The influence of Venus will fill the natives of Aquarius with charm which will benefit both singles and those already committed to someone.
Work matters will take precedence for Aquarians, in need of recognition, in the fourth quarter. There will be some setbacks financially, but also a good outlook for long-term projects. Expect good annual synthesis in labor and economic matters, with possibilities of projections into the future and investors as well.
October is a good month for regaining your energy, relaxing and doing recreational activities. In November, the children of the water carrier will feel stress from work and could suffer from headaches. In December, there will be a break from the mental tension thanks to Chiron in the House III of Aquarius granting a period for reconciliation and making peace.
Horoscope 2019: Aquarius in January
Love and Relationships
The presence of the asteroid Eros in the V House of Aquarius indicates the pleasure of romantic adventures and the enjoying intimacy as a couple. But be careful because this planetary position can lead to passionate outbursts of jealousy.
With Ceres in the X House of Aquarius until January 24th, the main focus will be in the workplace. Aquarians will spend time developing their public image and sharing and receiving experiences of success and entrepreneurship with other people.
Uranus, the ruling planet of Aquarius, will begin its direct phase on January 6th, providing greater mental clarity to the sons and daughters of Aquarius, who will be immersed in planning short and medium term goals.
More predictions for January here.
Horoscope 2019: Aquarius in February
Love and Relationships
Jupiter will continue in the XI House of Aquarius until December 2019, favoring the unconditional support of friends, and greater activity in your social life.
The entrance of Vesta into the II House of Aquarius (02/01), will allow for efficient management of physical resources, which is critical during this period of the year, considering that Neptune will be in the same location.
The New Moon in Aquarius on February 4th will be the perfect opportunity to invest in yourself again, both internally and externally. Do not waste it.
More predictions for February here.
Horoscope 2019: Aquarius in March
Love and Relationships
Aquarians who are engaged will give greater relevance to the dynamics of their relationship thanks to the entry of Eros into the VII House of the sign (03/29). Additionally, this transit is characterized by the fact that it will provide the Aquarians with a lot of social appeal.
The retrogradation of Mercury will take place in the II House of Aquarius from March 5th to March 27th, which can be interpreted as difficulty in choosing between different options for investment. It is recommended that you do not take any risks and analyze information in detail before making a decision.
Uranus, the ruling planet of Aquarius, will pass into the IV House of the sign on March 6th. Although this transit increases physical strength, you may become attached to things and develop the tendency to cling (stubbornly) to your beliefs.
More predictions for March here.
Horoscope 2019: Aquarius in April
Love and Relationships
The presence of the asteroid Psyche in Aquarius benefits the practice of getting to know yourself, especially the work of your conscience to accept your own vulnerability.
The New Moon in Aries on April 5th will affect the III House of Aquarius, which signals that it is a favorable period to take short trips or study something for a short period, launch a website, or venture into the world of social networks (developing your online profiles).
The entrance of the asteroid Juno to the VI House of Aquarius (04/20) indicates a high level of commitment to all-round well-being, but this does not imply neglecting other aspects of your daily life (home, work, family).
More predictions for April here.
Horoscope 2019: Aquarius in May
Love and Relationships
The entry of Mercury and the Sun into the V House of Aquarius during the second half of May multiplies your joie de vivre and the possibility of finding a new romantic interest.
On May 30th, the direct phase of Pallas in the IX House of Aquarius will begin. This is a planetary movement that you should take advantage of in order to organize documents related to work or living visas, publications and registering for studies at universities or academic centers.
The entrance of Lilith into the II House of Aquarius (05/03) can generate uncertainty in topics associated with self-esteem and self-worth.
Horoscope 2019: Aquarius in June
Love and Relationships
The arrival of Vesta to the IV House of Aquarius (06/09) is a favorable transit for Aquarians who are in the process of building their own house. On the other hand, those who already have their own house or are leasing one will channel as an act of devotion.
The entry of the Sun into the VI House of Aquarius (06/21) presents the opportunity to stand out in the workplace by promoting your ideas and supporting your coworkers.
Although the retrogradation of Saturn and Pluto in the XII House of Aquarius will alter the sleeping habits of the sons and daughters of the water carrier; the entrance of the Sun to the VI House of the sign will allow them to recharge their batteries and overcome any setbacks successfully.
Horoscope 2019: Aquarius in July
Love and Relationships
Part of the retrogradation of Mercury will take place in the VII House of Aquarius (specifically in the period from July 7th to July 18th), which can hinder communication in couples and the closure of business deals.
On July 17th, Ceres will begin its direct phase in the XI House of Aquarius, where Jupiter is in retrograde; nevertheless, this transit will increase your closeness to work groups that allow you to contribute to humanitarian initiatives or to leverage personal projects.
The beginning of the retrogradation of Chiron in the III House of Aquarius, starting on July 8th, implies a period of reflection on the value of ideas and the ways you communicate on a daily basis.
Horoscope 2019: Aquarius in August
Love and Relationships
On August 11, the direct phase of Jupiter begins in the XI House of Aquarius, reactivating the social life of the sons and daughters of the water carrier.
During the second fortnight of the month of August, a stellium (accumulation of planets) will form in House VIII of Aquarius. This stellar event means that you must assume a more active participation in the business you share with third parties (family, partner, partner).
The state of mind of the natives of Aquarius will be affected by the retrogradation of Uranus in House IV of the sign (11/08), since it will create tensions and clashes within the home.
Horoscope 2019: Aquarius in September
Love and Relationships
During the first half of September, the alignments are ideal for working on trust in personal relationships.
The passage of several planets over the IX House of Libra indicates that September will be a positive period for the negotiation of international agreements, learning other languages and launching publications or websites.
With the beginning of the direct phase of Saturn in the XII House of Aquarius (09/18), you can bid farewell to the ghosts of the past, overcome your anxiety and focus on the blessings of the present.
Horoscope 2019: Aquarius in October
Love and Relationships
Pluto will culminate its retrograde phase in the XI House of Aquarius on October 3rd, which can be interpreted as overcoming old fears that prevented the right signs of personal power.
In the month of October, the Aquarians’ attention will be focused on how to project their professional character more, so that their initiatives and projects receive the recognition they deserve.
With no planets in retrograde in the XII House of the water carrier, October is projected as a period where you can regain regular resting hours and devote time to relaxation.
Horoscope 2019: Aquarius in November
Love and Relationships
Romantic opportunities will arise with people close to your circle of friends. Do not refuse to participate in social events, which in addition to being fun can provide you with business opportunities.
The direct phase of Neptune begins in the II House of Aquarius on November 27th, which, although making it difficult to adjust to a previously established budget, facilitates the visualization of economic objectives in the medium and long term.
In general, the physical condition of the sons and daughters of Aquarius will have a positive balance in this period of the year. However, pressure in the workplace can generate episodes of stress and frequent migraines.
Horoscope 2019: Aquarius in December
Love and Relationships
The entrance of Venus into Aquarius on December 20th will enhance the charm of the natives of the sign. This transit is excellent if you want to present your ideas to a group or potential investors.
The Full Moon of December 12th will impact the V House of Gemini, indicating the closure of a creative project or taking a step to the next level at work.
The beginning of the direct phase of Chiron in the III House of Aquarius (12/12) decreases mental pressure and facilitates reconciliation with people in your immediate surroundings (siblings, neighbors).