Aquarius Horoscope for January 2021

Here is your Aquarius Horoscope for January 20201 Every month, you will find at WeMystic the astrological forecasts for your zodiac sign.
Aquarius Horoscope for January: what to expect
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Aquarius Horoscope for January: LoveThe entry of Mars into House IV of Aquarius (01/06), refers to the determination of the native to undertake the necessary works, to transform the place they inhabit, into the home that their family deserves. As Uranus will begin a direct trajectory in this location (House IV), on 01/14, the actions may involve both remodeling of spaces, as well as repair works, and unexpected changes. Mars and Uranus (direct) in House IV of Aquarius allude to the level of dedication of the native to the family group, the desire to protect them, and offer them a safe environment, in which they can flourish. However, the squares between Mars in House IV and Jupiter in Aquarius (01/23); and Uranus in House IV and the Sun in the sign of the water carrier, suggest that the despotic and deterministic attitudes of the native can give way to arguments and rebellion. The retrogradation of the asteroid Vesta in House VIII, as of 01/19, reaffirms this tendency, and refers to moments in which the native prefers to be alone, rather than listen to their relatives. Given this scenario, it is convenient to try to put yourself in the shoes of the other, empathize and understand that certain changes can (and should) take time for the good of all those involved. Finally, the Full Moon in Leo on 01/28 will touch House VII of Aquarius, pointing to the emotional closure of a relationship, or the next level of commitment within it (formal courtship, marriage). The lunar event in House VII of the water carrier may be the perfect time to analyze your role, within the dynamics of couple relationships; how you support the other in the materialization of their dreams; and to what extent you are assertive, in the interaction you have with yourself. Note: part of the aforementioned topics will be placed on the table again, during the apparent retreat of the planet of communication (Mercury), in Aquarius, from January 30 to February 20, 2021. On the other hand, Lilith’s entry into House III of Aquarius (01/27) can generate conflicts with neighbors or siblings, due to situations associated with the ego, or old resentments. Recall that Chiron is also in House III of the water carrier, which represents the opportunity to heal old wounds, by assertive use of words (communication), empathy and understanding of the position of the other. |
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Aquarius Horoscope for January: MoneyFinances will remain stable for the natives of Aquarius, during January 2021. The presence of Neptune and the dwarf planet Ceres in House II of the sign, suggests confidence in divine providence, and creative economic projects, in the medium and long term. However, keep in mind that on 01/19, the asteroid Vesta will begin to retrograde in House VIII of the water carrier, resulting in a certain distrust of relatives or associates, for reasons of resource management and investment plans. At the workplace level, the presence of the North Node in House V speaks of the interest in expressing the true potential and talents of the native, through individual initiatives, aligned with their passions. In the same way, the asteroid Juno in House XI of Aquarius indicates that there is a high commitment when it comes to promoting teamwork, while advancing with one’s own aspirations. Finally, do not forget that Chiron remains in your House III, inviting you to use communication to support others, and place the focus on the development of new abilities and skills. |
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Aquarius Horoscope for January: HealthOn January 8, Venus will enter the XII House of Aquarius, an astrological position that promotes the practice of understanding, forgiveness and compassion, directed towards the individual. Venus in the XII House of the water carrier, also favors a benevolent attitude towards the “I” of the past; daily meditation sessions; and participation in humanitarian support activities. The fact that the New Moon in Capricorn on 01/13 happens precisely over the XII House of Aquarius, points to the search for inner peace; reflections on the events of 2020; connect with divine energy; and recognize hidden enemies. In this sense, the entry of Mercury (01/08) and the Sun (01/19) into Aquarius, constitutes an excellent opportunity to reinforce the link with your essence, organize the mental framework, set new goals, and undertake a new physical training (you will enjoy greater vitality). Let us remember that Saturn, Jupiter and the asteroid Pallas are also in the sign of the water carrier, so the arrival of the star king and the planet of communication in this sector of the astral map allows the configuration of a stellium. A stellium (accumulation of planets) is a powerful energy source that you can use to your advantage, both to reinvent yourself and to promote your life goals, or to materialize your dreams. However, it is important to keep in mind that this configuration can manifest itself as a chaotic source of energy, if you are not clear about what you want to achieve (in the long term), and the strategies to conquer it. It is worth noting that, from 01/30 to 02/20, Mercury will star in its first annual retrogradation in Aquarius, which is a period of disorganization and internal confrontation, in which you should focus on overcoming the confirmation bias. |