Aquarius Horoscope for September 2021

Here is your Aquarius Horoscope for September 2021. Every month, you will find at WeMystic the astrological forecasts for your zodiac sign.
Here is your Aquarius Horoscope for September 2021. Every month, you will find at WeMystic the astrological forecasts for your zodiac sign.
Spiritual practices can continue to be stronger in this cycle, no longer just theory. There will be respect for differences and tolerance. By practicing these attitudes, you become inspirational to others.
Life with your partner gains intensity in the middle of the month. Choose experiences together and eternalize moments and knowledge, sealing the union, toasting love without distinction, with freedom and respect.
Take care of your body, mind, and spirit. Seek your spirituality, not necessarily through an angel, guide, elder, pastor, gods, or ancestors. What you need is to connect with the divine creative essence so that you feel at ease, somewhere you like to be to mentalize and perform pleasant tasks, regenerating your spirit. When you are well, the rest mirrors you.
New Moon in Leo, good for putting that good idea into action, the energy can act in an introspective way, but Pluto in Capricorn makes good aspects with the Sun in Virgo. In this phase, you will have opportunities to show your creativity in your work and career projects, exercising your power constructively and with dynamism. You will be able to take on more responsibilities that involve your personal and social purposes, as they are in harmony with Saturn in Aquarius and will make positive angles with Mars and Sun in Libra.
Your originality and perception could surprise you in your results, even if you are thwarted and with news that does not make some of your days cheerful. You will be able to change the outlook with your positive and confident attitude.
Mars in Libra facilitates collective interests and can be expanded by contextualizing that your goals are not purely selfish. Participate in groups, learn, teach, exchange learning, open new horizons, and reflect about the path that brought you here.
Even with emotional discomfort, internal changes will be necessary for personal evolution.
Everyone who deals with earth or construction work can create their own healing techniques. Anything that has come into contact, even if in the mind, with something else, will be magically connected. A piece of paper written by a friend brings his energy, or a stone taken from a waterfall brings energy from there.
One of the Laws that exist is that of Contagion. When we need to access something or someone and theoretically we are not so close, we use this Law with faith.
The lucky tip: when sweeping away dry leaves from trails, I suggest sweeping away along with them the doubts, problems, and lack of confidence that block your freedom. If you use fire to burn dry branches, take advantage of it and transmute feelings of anger and rage. Burn illusions, nightmares, prejudices, rejections, and whatever you feel. While you take care of nature, you imagine what you want.
Clear the dry leaves from the trees or plants just as you want fears to no longer prevent you from taking action in favor of your ideas and ideals. When removing stones from the path, watch your vanity where it is, your pride, and whatever you naturally think, assimilate it with what you are doing in nature and continue the ritual until you feel free and aware that you have done what needs to be done there. Don’t leave any work half done. Incidentally, if it is too much work, do it in stages, and whatever you set yourself, complete it. This will resonate with the Universe.
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