Aries and the 12 Zodiac houses

Did you know we have all Zodiac signs in our natal chart? They influence people’s life’s in different ways, depending on the houses, associated planets, and aspects with other planets. To understand it all, you can slowly start digging in more information, step by step. An excellent way to deepen your knowledge, after knowing the Sun, Rising, and Moon sign is to learn more about the signs you have on each house. Starting by Aries and the 12 zodiac houses, you can understand how it influences a natal chart depending on Aries’s position.
Step-by-step, learn how to find Aries on your natal chart, and how it affects your life!
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Aries and the 12 zodiac houses on your natal chart
If you are not familiar with the natal chart, don’t worry, this step is simple!
First of all, what you want is to find out where you have Aries on your natal chart. Therefore, after entering your data (there are multiple websites where you can do it for free), you need to check the symbol for Aries. Sometimes the representation of the zodiac signs slightly changes, but quick research will answer any remaining question.
After that, find out the symbol on your chart. Spot the cusp, the line on the left that comes from the center, and intercepts Aries. In the center, usually, you can find the number of the house. Each house represents a different aspect of your life!
Right now, you are almost ready to find out how Aries influences your life. By scrolling down, you can find the way it affects you depending on the house you have spotted it.
Nevertheless, before knowing how all about Aries and the 12 zodiac houses, you can learn more about the energy of this sign and how to use its highest vibes. Keep reading!
Aries vibes on a glimpse
Aries is ruled by Mars and is the first sign of the Zodiac. Therefore, it’s the energy of the beginnings, the impulsion. Quite obviously, it’s a fire sign, and on the physical body is related to the head.
Aries is the seed! Where you have Aries, is where you have this energy of doing, going, acting. It’s where you have a journey to start.
Everything needs this initial energy, and so Aries is there to put it in your life.
Potentializing Aries vibes in your life
If you feel the lack of impulsion, initiative, or energy in your life, you might need to incorporate Aries influence. Aries is the will of living, the excitement when you think of your days, of your plans. Consequently, we all need to it to feel joy (the joie de vivre). To do so, there are many habits you can adopt in your days, simple actions that can help you giving a boost to your life.
Three simple things you can start now:
- Wear more red.
- Look yourself in the mirror and repeat, “I have power!”
- Have healthy nutrition routines.
Aries and the 12 zodiac houses, one by one
Aries in house 1
Your Rising sign is Aries, and this energy is intense in your life. Impulsive and energetic, you might also tend to individuality.
Check out Aries in house 1 and learn more about it.
Aries in house 2
Aries in house 2 influences the way you attract value into your life and how you value yourself. You might get earnings fast, but not being able to stay consistent for long. Nevertheless, there’s always a way to do the best out of these vibes.
Check out Aries in house 2 and learn more about it.
Aries in house 3
Quick and fast communications, energetic brothers of many small travels, this aspect can influence your life in different ways.
Check out Aries in house 3 and learn more about it.
Aries in house 4
House 4 is related to your mother, your roots, and your home, and it can make it intense and impulsive. Full of energy, but sometimes a bit aggressive, you can have a better understanding of it with research.
Check out Aries in house 4 and learn more about it.
Aries in house 5
The house of your passions with Aries on it means you are driven by the things you feel passionate about. The seeds of your life are located here.
Check out Aries in house 5 and learn more about it.
Aries in house 6
As always, there are amazing aspects of having Aries in house 6 but also challenges. When you understand where you need to put or focus, you can solve a lot of mysteries in your life.
Check out Aries in house 6 and learn more about it.
Aries in house 7
Relationships and business partnerships are represented in house 7, having Aries there will put some energy in such an essential area of your life.
Check out Aries in house 7 and learn more about it.
Aries in house 8
Do you feel like you want to turn your life upside down almost every day? Having Aries in the position might result in that constant wish, but there’s more.
Check out Aries in house 8 and learn more about it.
Aries in house 9
A travel lover? Probably. Or a compulsory student? Also possible. House 9 also refers to your beliefs, and if you find your Aries there, then in some of these aspects, you feel a lot of energy from yourself to start new things, make new plans, and sometimes, it’s a challenge to finish things.
Check out Aries in house 9 and learn more about it.
Aries in house 10
A courageous person friend, you have it all, but you need to learn how to carry on things after the first impulse.
Check out Aries in house 10 and learn more about it.
Aries in house 11
House 11 refers to your community and you might find yourself surrounded by energetic people and most likely male.
Check out Aries in house 11 and learn more about it.
Aries in house 12
The last of the houses, and sometimes misunderstood, is the twelfth house. Your connection with your spirituality might come from activities that start on a physic level. Despite that, remember, everyone, even if you have a strong Aries in your map, needs to learn how to be alone and connect with the divine.
Check out Aries in house 12 and learn more about yourself!
Aries is the enthusiasm for being alive, for new beginnings, that child excitement about the world. Learn how to take advantage of its energy in any position you find it on your map and enjoy what it has to show you.