The art of re-connecting with our inner essence and potential

The essence in the human being is the innate force that transcends the limits of the physical, that resides in the deepest part of the being. It is that part of our being connected with the logical intelligence of the Universe that governs all existence as well as our evolutionary development or innate aptitudes.
Our essence goes beyond our DNA, external or mental characteristics. It is known by the name of Consciousness, Soul for many and that in reality constitutes our immutable part, in other words the Essence of Being. Our essence is that part of the Whole that lives in each of us and connects us to the Universe and its principles.
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But how can we recognize it?
We can recognize our essence in the source that nourishes our inner voice beyond the Ego. This potential of divine energy that is part of the right thought system connected to the Presence, being in this way the main guide of orientation in our steps in life.
Our Essence is also that which makes us feel connected, which makes us brothers with Creation and its Origin by merging us into One with the consciousness of Unity.
We are body, mind with a unique and unrepeatable character, and each one of us is part of this Universal consciousness that unites us, to the Essence, being One with it. Our Soul, our Essence lies within us and its greatest desire is to manifest in all its splendor during our physical existence.
Our Essence makes us One with the Whole, whose infinite wisdom lies deep within us. At the same time, on a parallel plane, the Essence is also that which makes us unique and unrepeatable. We are One with the Whole, equal and different, separate at the same time, dual.
Our mission on this earthly plane is to reencounter and experiment in the game of life’s duality through our own circumstances, potentials and physical possibilities, and thus, when our time comes, to return Home.
To all the people who do not find their place in this world, who feel that they do not fit in anywhere and do not understand anything that happens in their lives, life becomes ungrateful, tiring and meaningless.
To those people who live identified with their fears, shortcomings and insecurities, who have believed the character with the mask they have been creating throughout their lives, the search for the meaning of life has only just begun.
To those people who spend their lives in suffering, this is the time to reconnect with their Essence, with that part of each one of us that we really are, with our power. Your life thus finds its meaning.
It doesn’t matter how asleep we have been. Our essence is something that has always been within us, that we already are.
It is time to carry out the function of the origin of our lives and remove the filter that prevents us from seeing reality.
Some steps among many others to reconnect with your essence
The first step is to become aware that your essence goes far beyond your Ego. From the moment we are born we are labeled with a name, a religion, beliefs and ideas, among others.
Your erroneous thought system creates your perception of reality and your way of relating to others, with your fears, shortcomings and insecurities.
By living in fear, by feeling separated, we have been creating a mask, which can be called Ego, although its function is essential and primary to protect us.
When we become aware of the power of our ego to interfere with our essence and not let it take control of our lives, we begin the path to reconnect with our essence.
UA good method to connect with our true essence would be to dare to question all these labels and beliefs that have been imposed on us since childhood.
Ask yourself, reflect in a totally honest way:
¿What would I be like without this label I have created?/em>
¿Who would I become without these fears, shortcomings and limitations?/em>
Listen to yourself!
A second step is to practice meditation in some or other way to connect with your essence and leave the noise of the Ego behind.
Our Ego is like a wild horse, which we must learn to tame so that our essence can regain its rightful place.
Remember that meditating, exercises require time, willpower and discipline in the same way when you go to the gym.
The key is persistence and where you put your attention and focus.
Choose a time of the day when you can be quiet, sit comfortably, close your eyes and start breathing putting all your focus on the breathing process.
When your mind starts to generate thoughts you should let them pass, observation is the secret, breathe. Meditation will help you to connect with your true essence and not to identify with the noise of thoughts that our mind generates.
A third step is to go on a diet of noise and toxicity, even toxic information and relationships.
When we filter out negative vibrations, this action helps us to connect with our true self.
This step is especially suitable for people who do not know who they really are, or what they are here for, who are drifting aimlessly through life. It is therefore essential to take care of your personal and emotional relationships, to get together with people who add to you, who contribute to you, who are aligned with your principles and values.
Surround yourself with people who do not detract from your energy, which you need so much to create better and greater positive potentials. At least until the reunion with your essence is closer to materialize.
This helps you grow as a person, raise your self-esteem and reconnect with your power and essence.
The fourth step visualizes your higher self, an alter Ego as a therapeutic tool.
We all have a higher self or an inner leader, that part that guides our actions and makes everything come together in the end.
Connect with that improved version of ourselves that has strength, wisdom, compassion, security, courage, enthusiasm, confidence, joy, vitality, optimism, and above all peace.
Remember that to find meaning in our lives, our higher self knows that we have a purpose that goes far beyond our ego and our fears.
Give it life and form, dare to visualize it could be a human form, animal, maybe it is an animated character or a superhero that inspires you, it could even be something abstract, your own inner leader, and guide, the Superhero that you already are.
Don’t forget that when you have chosen that which symbolizes your higher self you can recreate figures, pictures, so that you feel more connected to your essence, with faith, security.
The fifth step, learn to trust your intuition.
Intuition is that inner voice, that power of intuition that guides us. Recognize that intuition in your body, close your eyes, breathe, concentrate and give yourself permission to feel it.
Observe your body, where do you feel that inner voice inside you? Learn to identify this power and develop the intuition that reconnects you with your essence when you do it from the coherence with yourself.
By overcoming your fears and limitations, the inner power is automatically unleashed. Live a much fuller life that connects you with your Essence.
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