11 Yoga asanas to relieve shoulder pain

Yoga practice has the goal of improving health. One of the high possible things this Indian practice offers is the possibility to set specific goals considering each person’s body and needs. Here we’ll talk about asanas to relieve shoulder pain.
What happens often is that people don’t consider an entire formula for getting rid of shoulder pain for good, they only seek for some quick relief. Through yoga, it’s possible to get assistance, but better than that, it’s possible to also focus on building strong shoulders.
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Why do we get shoulder pain? “It seems like you’re carrying the world on your shoulders.” This saying pretty sums up everything. Stress, tension, responsibility, lousy sleeping, but also lack of strength and a misunderstanding of how to relax, result in severe shoulder pain for many. Luckily, we have some asanas to relieve shoulder pain.
Asanas to relieve shoulder pain
What our experience also tells us is that with age, shoulders are one of the joints that causes more problems and limitations. Besides that, is an essential element in our well-being even in meditation, or to realize pranayama.
The sequence we here propose is a set part of asanas to relieve shoulder pain and is composed of poses that either stretch or strengthen shoulders. If you suffer from your shoulders, you can include this practice a few times during the month in your routines.
1. Virabhadrasana II. Strengthens: middle deltoid.
2. Utthita Trikonasana. Strengthens: middle deltoid
3. Garudasana. Stretches: middle deltoid. Strengthens: anterior deltoid.
4. Virabhadrasana I
When done with arms raised, it stretches and strengthens arms and shoulders, also working on the mobility of the joint. It’s also essential to prepare for the two following poses.
5. Sirangusthasana
By bringing the hands together and crossing fingers, the movement followed by the separating hands from the tailbone results in stretching the shoulders. This pose must be done with the shoulder blades close, working on the range of movement and strength.
6. Parsvottanasana. Stretches: posterior deltoid, triceps brachii.
7. Prasarita Padotanasana A and C
Similar effect to the one of Sirangusthasana, but with a stronger structure that allows more focus on the shoulders.
8. Phalakasana (with permanence). In this practice, it works for working on stronger arms.
9. Adho Mukha Svanasana (with permanence). Stretches: posterior, anterior and chest deltoid
10. Bakasana. Strengthens: serratus anterior
11. Gomukasana. Stretches: posterior and medium deltoid, triceps brachii
These asanas choice is designed for someone with limitations on shoulders level, and it starts with extense standing positions, which also work the core since it’s vital to have a strong base in order to accomplish vigorous and healthy shoulders properly.
Learn how to use yoga to your own benefit and do this asanas to relieve shoulder pain. You can design yoga practices to many different goals, and these can be more on the physical level or the mental level.
With studying and effort, you can learn a lot about the purpose of each pose; you can learn variations of the same asana that will have a different effect on you, among many other options. Remember you might need a few months, but you’ll get there!
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