Astral sex: what is it and how does it work?

Even if you are not completely familiar with it, you have probably heard of astral projection, right? But what about astral sex? Does it seem absurd to you? In reality, both phenomena are directly linked, and for the second to happen, there must be an encounter between two projected spirits.
What is astral sex and how it works
Astral projection, in its essence, consists of the conscious exit of the spirit from a physical body. This experience, after much practice, is manageable, and the individual is taken to the spiritual plane as soon as he or she is relaxed to the point of falling asleep. During this “journey”, the unfolded incarnated spirit (belonging to you, while you sleep) may be sexually related to another spirit, usually disincarnated.
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At some point in your life, you’ve probably had a more “hot” dream, and you woke up wondering how you would reproduce such vivid sensations again. In cases like these, it’s likely that you have just had an erotic dream, usually drawn from elements like a movie scene, a conversation, or another topic covered in the previous days.
Astral sex, in turn, is much more intense and resembles reality. Some people may call it erotic dreams, but when there is an astral projection from an individual with a higher level of consciousness, the physical sensations are very evident. In this case, after returning to the physical body, the difference between a dream and the astral sex becomes so clear that it is possible to understand the fullness of that experience.
The secret to all this intensity is the fact that, on the astral plane, we are ourselves. There are no fears, modesty, social ties, and even your darkest thoughts are in evidence. During an astral projection your spirit can be much better or much worse than you are while lucid. And it’s from this magnetism that “compatible” spirits arise.
Is it possible to find specific people during astral sex?
In obtaining such information about the possibility of astral sex, many people can start to fantasize, and they try tirelessly to find people on the astral plane as love partners, celebrities or other targets of desires on the physical plane. This event may not be ruled out, but it’s highly unlikely.
As mentioned before, the meeting of souls generally tends to happen between an incarnate and a disincarnate. Therefore, if you want to really enjoy this experience, do not try to search for specific souls during the astral journey.
There is nothing wrong or morbid about it. After all, even in life, we are also spirits, in turn temporarily responsible for a physical body. After disembodiment, we remain exactly who we are. Tastes, customs, points of view and even appearance tend to remain the same.
Warning for astral sex
So far, you probably have no reservations about the practice of astral sex. However, when it comes to the spiritual plane, it’s important to remember that this relationship can happen without your consent.
Some people can even perceive the approach of the spirit, its smell, the touch of its skin, all clearly, as if it were on the physical plane. However, they try to wake up, get rid of what’s going on, but they can’t. This condition is known as sleep paralysis, under the spiritist view.
Sometimes, it’s necessary for the incarnate to go through this experience many times until he/she is able to better understand and manage what is happening. When there is an immediate consent between incarnate and disincarnate, a kind of partnership is formed, and the spirit is waiting for you when you lie down to sleep, helping in the astral unfolding.
But if the incarnate does not consent to the act, there may be a series of unpleasant, confused experiences; the individual can wake up with their energies drained and without remembering what is real and what is a dream. This usually happens when the disembodied spirit remains attached to carnal desires, attached to the desires of matter. In that case, they take advantage of the energy of the incarnates.
Final thoughts
In general, this type of spirit is especially attracted to individuals who are constantly thinking about sex. If you are an avid consumer of pornography and trivialize sexual relations, you will attract astral partners with the same vibratory content as yours.
One thing is a fact: you control who you are only here on the physical plane. In the astral aspect you are who you really are; without masks and modesty. If you are being sucked in by persecuting spirits, it’s up to you to understand when in your life you have developed your sexual side. You need to understand this issue to resolve it with yourself.
While you are awake, ask your protective spirit for help so that nothing bad can happen to you on the astral plane.
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