Astrological Calendar October 2025

After an introspective and deeply transformative September,October is drawn to be a more busy, light and fluid month, during which we can take new flights without fear of falling. The Astrological Calendar for October 2025 is on the air!
Astrological Calendar for October 2025
- October 06 – Mercury in Scorpio
- October 07 – Full Moon in Aries
- October 13 – Pluto ends its retrograde movement in Aquarius
- October 13 – Venus in Libra
- October 13 – Waning Moon in Cancer
- October 21 – New Moon in Libra
- October 22 – Neptune returns to Pisces
- October 23 – Sun in Scorpio
- October 29 – Mercury in Sagittarius
- October 29 – Crescent Moon in Aquarius

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Mercury in Scorpio: No Time for Idle Talk!
Right at the beginning of the month, on October 06, Mercury enters Scorpio, coloring our communication with more intense tones! The planet of intellect, now navigating the deep waters of the sign of Scorpio, leads us to question everything in greater depth. Superficial conversations give way to deep and transformative dialogues, and the mind turns to the mysteries that surround us.
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Taking this into account, it is already possible to imagine the level of conversations that will occur during the following days, especially because on October 07 a beautiful Full Moon in Aries lights up the sky, highlighting issues related to individuality that may not be appearing in relationships. This lunation challenges us to find a balance between personal needs and the demands of relationships. The burning energy of Aries can make us more impulsive, but also more brave to face situations that require a positioning.
Love, Beauty and Self-Esteem in High!
On October 13, Venus, the planet of love and beauty, enters Libra, its domicile, promoting harmony and balance in affective relationships. This astral favors all that is beautiful! So, dates surrounded by an aura of romance are in high. But not only of the other person lives Venus in Libra. This is a great moment to invest in self-esteem and it is worth upgrading your look, your wardrobe or even giving yourself a few days of rest to contemplate life.
The New Moon in Libra on October 21 marks the beginning of a new cycle during which diplomacy can be the key to evolution. From here on, the sky calls for us to be flexible in establishing new connections, starting relationships or redefining the terms of existing partnerships, remembering that – often – it is through the people we meet that new doors are opened.
The key to be successful in this mission will be to seek a balance between what you give and what you receive. After all, one hand washes the other, and just as you need someone else, someone else may need you in the same way.
Scorpio Season Reveals Secrets
Scorpio season officially begins on October 23 and it is time to dive into topics that are often taboo, even for ourselves! Scorpio energy intensifies our search for depth in all areas of life and opens a period propitious to deep transformations, opening the doors of our soul to reveal issues related to power, sexuality, finances and spirituality. The Sun in Scorpio invites us to metaphorically die and be reborn, leaving behind old structures that no longer serve us and assuming wishes that were stored in chests of what we considered “ugly”, “dirty” or “bad” about ourselves. Radical self-love is the way.
The month ends with a new transit of Mercury, which enters Sagittarius on October 29, expanding our mental horizons and inviting us to think in a more optimistic and comprehensive way. After the depths of Scorpio, the mind is in search of intellectual adventures, so it is worth throwing yourself into travel, new studies or art.
October 2025 therefore presents itself as a month that reminds us of the importance of staying centered when we go through great changes. The key is to be open to transformations, trust our intuition and not be afraid to dive into the deep waters of our being, knowing that we will emerge from them renewed and strengthened.
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