Astrological New Year 2025: New Year, New Looks

If you are the type of person who tends to get anxious at the end of the year and starts the new one with tension, then, you can now breathe. The good news? The Astrological New Year 2025, will be on March 20, 2025.
Astrological New Year 2025: A LITTLE BIT OF HISTORY
I know that they told you that a new year always starts on January 01. Also, that every calendar, from the one on your desk to the one on your cell phone, confirms this, BUT did you know that it was not always like this?
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Records of the first calendar structures were found since more than 2,000 years BC, and they were based on the movements of the sun and the moon. Over the years, during the Roman Empire, the calendar gained a division of months in its structure, and each month received a name in honor of one of the mythological gods.
And this is where you will understand everything… The first month of the year was called Martius – dedicated to Mars. In Astrology, Mars is the ruling planet of Aries, which in turn is the first sign of the zodiac. Therefore, the Astrological New Year 2025 happens whenever the Sun enters the sign of Aries. This always occurs in the month of March. Remember Martius that I mentioned above? That is it!
Now you must be thinking that the logic has some basis, but at the same time you are wondering what happened then for us to celebrate on January 01, right? Well, in short, over the years some emperors made adjustments as they pleased. Later in the years AD the Church also made adjustments to adapt to Christian commemorative dates. All of this until we came to the current model that distanced us so much from the original and beneficial connection with nature.
I know it may seem challenging to align yourself with the stars in the current context. Believe me: it is possible, and it will bring much more fluidity to your life! I will give you some tips that will help you to respect your body’s natural rhythm. This, without being shaken by the pages of the calendar, and make the most of all the energy power that the stars will give you.
First of all: respect your body’s needs. It seems simple, but it requires awareness and confidence, because you will most likely find that your true wishes do not correspond to what most people will do. That is, when everyone wants to socialize you may feel more withdrawn; when everyone wants to take a vacation you may actually feel more productive, and so on.
Take the opportunity to become more observant of yourself. Understand that’s okay not to be at the same pace as most people. When we get out of autopilot it is quite natural for this to happen.
Second: follow astrological movements. In addition to helping you to understand your feelings, they also help you to have a better planning. Of course, we will always have commitments that cannot be postponed or miss. However, there are many others that are certainly possible. Especially personal projects and even small behavioral adjustments that can be aligned based on astrological periods. This will already bring much more fluidity to your daily life.
How to Prepare Yourself for this Event?
Can you imagine the wonderful feeling of doing everything the way that is best for you and completely connected to the Universe? You can start right now and start a new year differently. And to help you, see hot to prepare yourself for the Astrological New Year 2025. Let’s go!
From February 18 to March 19, this is the most important period, as it is the days leading up to the Astrological New Year 2025 and when the Sun will be passing through the sign of Pisces. It is usually at this time that a false sense of delay sets in because the year has “already begun” and you may fall into a self-demanding vibe.
Be careful! Do not try to push it, because you will see that it will not work. Remember that, contrary to what most people think, it is the period of closing the year. All of us will be more sensitive and seeking solitude, it is time to rest! Therefore, here is where you can travel, be in contact with nature (especially the sea), go on retreats, reconnect with your faith and prioritize your well-being. Right?
It is worth taking advantage of the Astrological New Year 2025. To outline your wishes and wills for the new year, as the vibration of Pisces favors reconnection with yourself and carries a strong dreamy vibration. What’s excellent for manifesting everything you want for yourself.
Oh! And relax, you will see that when the Sun enters Aries on March 20 your disposition will increase, and you will feel a lot of strength inside you to effectively start the year!
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