Events of the relation between Astrology and Coronavirus

A pandemic is sweeping humanity, crying out for a vaccine or cure for the invisible COVID-19 virus. If we relate Astrology and Coronavirus we can see how it started, with what astrological events and what may come next.
Astrology and Coronavirus
It is possible that you have read a lot of information about this new virus, so we do not want to delve into its description and consequences, but rather see its relationship with the astrological aspects that have accompanied this pandemic.
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We just want to mention that this virus is a previously unknown strain of the coronavirus family of pathogens, these are zoonotic viruses, which means that they are carried by humans and animals alike. It attacks the respiratory system with flu-like symptoms and pneumonia.
Dates and their relationship with Astrology and Coronavirus
December 1-10, 2019: Saturn, Venus, and Ceres
The virus has existed for years in animals, but it became a real problem for humans between December 1st and 10th; during these dates, Saturn, the planet of rules and time, as well as Venus, the planet of love and fertility, and Ceres (a dwarf planet), were in Capricorn.
Saturn is the planet of karma, that is, every action has its consequence. The Greek god was represented with an hourglass and a sickle in his hand, alluding to the passage of time, the physical body and the end of this body due to death.
On the other hand we have Venus that represents love, fertility, but also the evil and sensual subterfuges of manipulation for cruel ends, causing wars and catastrophes.
We also have Ceres who is the great healer and protector of Earth and represents our royal saving grace. She is the one who produces growth and learning, and tries to help us see the practical things we can do to care for the Earth.
All of this takes place in Capricorn, a sign of Earth. Capricorn is not exactly the most delicate sign of the zodiac and represents the cold and darkness of winter in a time without harvest.
In its dark aspect, Capricorn can be invisibly evil, causing evil without anyone knowing it was him. But in its most positive part it can help us raise awareness in an awakening process on Earth.
January 12, 2020: Saturn-Pluto + Stellium conjunction in Capricorn
On this date, a stellium (five or more planets in the same sign) is produced in Capricorn. We have Saturn, Mars (which spends more time than normal in Capricorn, creating severe friction), Jupiter and Pluto that strongly influence transformation and imbalance in general.
Saturn urges us to plan for the long term, so this situation will require patience, strength and a lot of physical, emotional and psychological stability.
Mars is the planet of war, but at the same time of action and bravery against the enemy, in its transit through Capricorn it leads to selfish impulses (such as hoarding things from the supermarket).
Jupiter balances us with his benevolence, makes us see expansion, that is, that borders are nothing more than man-made lines and that if you want a solution to a pandemic, the answer must be global, that is, with the union of all nations.
For his part, Pluto talks about a forced change, inevitable, but necessary. All this stellium reminds us that if we want things to change on a global level, there must also be a change on a personal level. Everything will be different in the future.
January 26, 2020: Pluto-Eris square
Another dwarf planet, Eris, is now squared to Pluto. Eris is the sister of Mars, the god of war, and like her brother she can bring drama, insanity and pressure. In the square with Pluto our unconscious comes out.
Eris is also going through Aries until 2048 which reinforces our ego and our individuality and isolation.
In short, it is bringing all our features to the surface from the depths, be they dark and bright.
March 30: Mars moves to Aquarius
Mars and Aquarius represent that some ancient beliefs, methods, or ways are useless today and things have to be done differently. There is a search for solutions, new things, vaccines for example; the positive is that Mars and Aquarius almost always get what they want, so it only remains to be patient and wait for the solution.
March 31: Mars in conjunction with Saturn
Fear grows and the economic aspects have more significant breaks. Illness spreads, as well as death. This conjunction is not positive and reflects the moment when the expansion of the coronavirus grows and causes desolation in the towns.
Little by little, this will change when Mars moves to Capricorn and then to Aquarius, easing tensions, fears and bringing more balance, but not yet definitive.
Astrology and Coronavirus: what can come next?
What can follow in this relationship between astrology and coronavirus? Let’s see some astrological façades that can shed light on what is to come.
April 23: Ceres moves to Pisces
Ceres, protector of Earth, will bring a sense of healing and community as you move toward empathetic Pisces. We all come together to heal, support and do whatever we can to make sure our communities have what they need. People will unite more and we will prevail over self.
May 7: Full moon in Scorpio
The full moon in Scorpio marks a possible turning point. It can show us how we have changed on a collective and also a personal level. It could show us our behavior and responsibility towards Earth.
At the cosmic level there may be a solution that marks a rebirth.
June 1: Quintile of Chiron on Jupiter
Comet Chiron in quintile (72o halfway between sextile and square) on Jupiter makes us want to rebuild. The expansive Jupiter shows the collective desire to heal, but also the need to learn from our past mistakes to build a better future for all.
June 5: full moon lunar eclipse
With the full moon in Sagittarius, we will seek freedom from personal and collective shade and become more motivated to do something about it. We are going to outshine the old so that we can make room for the new.
June 18: Mars moves to Pisces
This planetary movement marks a point of trouble and despair. There may be a dark path and a bright one, if we continue on the path of shadows it is because we have not learned anything and we do not modify the old structures that go in the involuntary direction of the species.
If, on the other hand, we follow the path of light, we learn and correct the mistakes of the past. Mars will give us an opportunity, determination and great strength to overcome the obstacles to heal the entire planet and finally regroup under other ways and lifestyles. Have you ever thought about the relationship between astrology and coronavirus?