Rising sign in Libra: finding balance is what matters
For someone to have a rising sign in Libra, it must appear on the […]
Columnist and passionate about the mystical world, with a strong sensitivity related to the spiritual. He invests most of his time in outdoor activities. His biggest dream is to travel around the world.
For someone to have a rising sign in Libra, it must appear on the […]
Just as solar signs are defined by the position of the sun relative to […]
July 23rd to August 23rd - Leo is a sign of fire, just like Sagittarius and Aries. […]
June 21st to July 22nd - Family and home are very important for Cancer. As a water sign, like […]
February 20th to March 20th - Pisces is part of the Water signs that are known for their […]
From September 23rd to October 22nd - Libra is a sign of air, associated with spirit and intellect […]
January 20th to February 19th, Aquarius is an Air sign, and just like Gemini, they need to work their mind, otherwise, they would be bored. Uranus, the planet […]
December 22nd to January 19th - Capricorn is one of Earth's signs, generally concerned for their […]
From November 22nd to December 21st - As a sign of Fire, people of the Sagittarius sign are […]
October 23rd to November 21st - Scorpio is a sign of water, like Pisces and Cancer, […]