Mercury in Scorpio: focused mind
The positioning of this planet says about how we communicate, think and act. Mercury […]
Designer, illustrator and copywriter. She's always been interested in building and transmitting ideas through texts and images. She loves animals, cooking and being in the midst of nature — where she has that sweet feeling that we are part of a Whole. She believes it is in the impalpable that we learn the best lessons from the Divine.
The positioning of this planet says about how we communicate, think and act. Mercury […]
We always tend to start a new phase thinking of the best. We want […]
Mercury is the planet of intellect and communication. Its positioning on your birth chart […]
“Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?” If you […]
Libra season comes to give you what you did not have in the last […]
The positioning that Venus occupies in our birth chart relates to our love life. […]
To have dreams about death is always scary. After all, who likes to “see” […]
The Runes are a millenarian oracle and very traditional for the Germanic peoples. They […]
The year is divided by 12 months but Astrology does not follow that exactly. […]
The evil eye is a millenarian and very popular belief. It is believed that […]