Autumn Equinox: time for internal harvest

Every year there are two equinoxes when the sun shines directly on the equatorial line, these are called the Autumn and Spring Equinoxes. They happen oppositely when the North Hemisphere registers the Autumn Equinox, the South Hemisphere is celebrating the Spring Equinox.
The Autumn equinox happens, with slight changes, around the 22nd or 23rd September in the North Hemisphere, and the 20th or 21st March in the Southern Hemisphere. It’s commonly said that day and night have the same length on this day, which is not exactly true. Despite that, Equinox means “equal night”, and it’s a reference to that maximum point of proximity between the day and night duration.
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The Autumn Equinox has been celebrated in many different ancient cultures, since immemorial times. Find out its spiritual meaning and the connection with your zodiac sign.
Autumn Equinox: internal harvesting
As the name indicated, the Autumn Equinox marks the start of the Fall and the beginning of the preparation for the Winter. The long days of Summer are gone, and the shorter and cold Winter is getting closer as the leaves fall from the trees, and the world dresses in red and brown tones.
This day sets a change in the energy that surrounds you. It asks for a more contemplative state, and to internalize your focus and attention. It’s the harvesting time, and it goes as well for the external world as it goes for the internal.
While on the field people are harvesting fruits and cereals, and storing them to prepare for the Winter, you must be harvesting the lessons from that time you have put yourself out there in the World. After the Summer Solstice, the potential of your energy was the highest, and now you must analyze and feel what have you done with that. Recognize the achievements, face the fails, and get ready to go on an inner journey.
The connection and worship of the cycles of nature, that was praised and necessary in ancient cultures, helps you stay in connection with your cycles and with the energy of the collective and the universe. Therefore, to praise these moments plays an important role in your mental and physical balance.
Autumn equinox: Ancient celebrations
As we said before, this date has been celebrated over the centuries by cultures that were far from each other, without any kind of connection or even contact. That fact teaches how important it is in the cycles of nature. We’ll shortly mention some of the most known celebrations.
Mayans Chichen Itza, in Mexico, is a pyramid wherein the day of the equinox, the sunlight draws an enormous snake on its stairs. There was the belief that Kukulcan returned to the earth to bless the harvest and his worshipers.
Used to hold a festival to worship Pomona, the goddess of fruits responsible for the growth of goods.
One of the most famous is linked to the story of Persephone, and her return to the underworld to be the wife of Hades, after nine months with her mother Demeter, the goddess of the harvest.
In Japan, it is celebrated in the Hindu culture in both equinoxes and represents the spirits of that reach Nirvana.
It is a Hindu celebration in countries like Nepal or India and honors Devi, the divine feminine.
Autumn equinox and the zodiac signs
Dear Aries, to move inwards is challenging for you, but your fire redirected is extremely powerful. If it’s easier for you, consider doing it with the help of some physical practice, like yoga or dancing.
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You probably love this time and you see in it an opportunity to rest and take care of yourself. Go into nature, and connect with yourself, Taurus. Don’t fall in the temptation of being lazy, keep the balance in your life.
➡️ Click here to see Taurus predictions
Dear Gemini, this is an opportunity, and challenge, to work on the communication with yourself and not so much the others. Try to find stability on your mutant mind and work on your connections. For you, the idea of fall it’s easier because you are so independent, but you must know how to differentiate the things you need to keep nurturing and not put all in the same basket.
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Beautiful Cancer, the idea of staying more inside calms you, but the work of looking inside can be hard. Don’t run away from it by taking care of everyone else. Spend some time with yourself.
You also tend to illusion, then work on being pragmatic and real about your achievements and faults, and the same for the ones around you, especially your family.
➡️ Click here to see Cancer predictions
Leo, after ruling the kingdom the entire Summer you might spend some time fighting against the idea of going back to your cave. Remember that to shine again, you also need to rest, and you need to learn how to be humble and analyze your options and actions in the last months.
➡️ Click here to see Leo predictions
Virgo, harvest and storing ask for organization, and you feel extremely comfortable with it. Besides, you feel you add value to the world with your service during this time. Enjoy it and don’t lose balance out of sight.
➡️ Click here to see Virgo predictions
Libra, a calmer and more diplomatic time combines with you and allows you to be inspired by the artistic aspect of the world during this time. Use it for your inspiration, and as a mechanism to self-analysis.
➡️ Click here to see Libra predictions
Scorpio, the friend who loves this time, right? Look for the most positive ways to do this process and be careful, you also tend to hold on too much to your past.
➡️ Click here to see Scorpio predictions
Sagittarius, as any zodiac sign, as many sides. If from one point you are always out there, from the other side, this energy is amazing for the connection with the universe, and the study. It’s time to activate and link to those aspects of your being and use it to be aligned with the energy that surrounds you.
➡️ Click here to see Sagittarius predictions
Capricorn also likes this time of the year, since the calm energy gives you time to pursue your ambitions, and space to think about plans. Like some of our other friends, you also have some problems with flexibility and changes, therefore, you also need to embrace that side of this date to harvest all the teachings it has for you.
➡️ Click here to see Capricorn predictions
A quieter time is vital for brilliant minds, and that’s not different for you, Aquarius. Trust in yourself and your creativity, and let you sink in yourself most positively, as you are so great doing.
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It feels like creativity is always the answer for you, right? But your power, Pisces, is so strong when it comes to connect with the whole and make the link between it and your inner side. Nonetheless, that process is not a pain-free for you, and through arts, you can cure it more positively.
Don’t run away from looking inside of yourself, and keep positivity high.
Autumn equinox is one more blessing from the universe to the cycle of life. A guide, a point in time that reminds us where to go, and how to walk there.
➡️ Click here to see Pisces predictions
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