Ayurvedic Body Type: find out what is yours

Ayurveda is one of the most ancient medical systems in the world. It originates from India and is around 5000 years old. Ayurveda, works to promote the balance of mind, body and spirit, through a variety of methods including; yoga, massage, diet and herbal supplementation. In order to gain the most benefits of Ayurveda, you must first understand your dominant Dosha, or life force energy, to then understand your Ayurvedic Body Type.
There are three main energies that govern the body, they are Vata, Pitta or Kapha. Ayurveda believes one of the ways to identify the patient’s Dosha is to look at clues in their body shape and type. We will explore these different energies in further detail and how they may present themselves below. First take our Body Type Test to find out, which Dosha dominates in your body.
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Ayurvedic Body Type Quiz
Is your body frame?
A. Large, stocky or thick
B. Well proportioned and balanced
C. Skinny or slender with low muscle tone
Is your hair?
A. Thick and oily
B. Fine or thin
C. Dry, frizzy or brittle
Is your complexion?
A. Moist and smooth, plump skin
B. Warm or reddish in tone, easily irritated
C. Thin and dry skin
How does your body hold weight?
A. It’s very hard to lose weight
B. I can gain or lose weight easily if I put my mind to it
C. I cannot put on weight; I don’t have a huge desire for food.
Which best describes your sleep pattern?
A. Deep sleeper. I can sleep for a long time.
B. I don’t oversleep, but I get good quality sleep, under 8 hours a night.
C. Very light sleeper, wakes easily.
How do you cope with stress?
A. I go into my cave, I become withdrawn
B. I usually respond with anger or irritation at the situation.
C. I get easily worried and often suffer from anxiety.
Mostly A: Ayurvedic Body Type Kapha
Those with dominant Kapha energy tend to be solid both in their appearance and their mental state. Kapha dominant people are usually seen as the reliable, calming influence in a group.
They will have a stocky build, large eyes, thick hair and excellent stamina. They may be a bit slower to learn things and their speech may be slower but they have an excellent memory and can endure difficulty for longer than most other people.
Kapha personalities tend to prefer warmer climes and have a dislike for cold and wet temperatures.
Mostly B: Ayurvedic Body Type Pitta
Pitta bodies tend to feel warm most of the time regardless of the climate. They tend to be hot headed and feisty. They may perspire a lot and have a strong commanding gaze. They are sharp in the sense that they are intelligent and witty but also prickly and sometimes difficult to get along with.
They may have oily skin and hair. They tend to have slim frames and muscular bodies. When in perfect balance, Pitta people have great digestion; good sleep habits, a strong sex drive and a lustrous look.
Mostly C: Ayurvedic Body Type Kapha
Those with dominant Vata energy tend to be very slim. They have an active lifestyle and a very active mind. They tend to have cold hands and feet and dry skin and hair.
A permanent state of transformation or change is quite normal for Vata personalities. In fact, if life isn’t moving, they tend to feel unhappy. Vata people are quite lively and sociable and enjoy talking. Naturally enthusiastic, they are sometimes prone to moments of fatigue and more often, anxiety.
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