Bach flower remedies: choose the one for you

Bach flower remedies: a melodious name for liquid extracts of plants that have a positive effect on so-called negative emotions. It was Dr. Edward Bach who gave his name to this medicine that he discovered at the beginning of the last century.
For more than 70 years, these floral extracts, also known as floral elixirs, have proven their benefits for all kinds of emotional problems in children as well as adults. But what are these Bach flowers really, how to choose them and especially how to use them? Follow the advice of your pharmacist to enjoy all the benefits of these Bach Flowers daily.
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The choice of an elixir or several elixirs is based on a current emotional state. However, be careful not to use more than 5 different flower essences at the same time (some authors limit the number to 7 at the same time). You can choose yourself or get help.
The 38 Bach flower remedies
Each of the 38 remedies discovered by Dr. Bach addresses a particular trait or emotional state. To select the right remedies, think about your personality and how you feel emotionally.
- Agrimony for the person to accept their faults as their qualities
- Aspen increases self-confidence
- Beech to develop indulgence and tolerance
- Centaury to have the respondent of wisdom
- Cerato no longer having doubts about yourself and your judgment
- Cherry plum so you do not lose your temper under all circumstances
- Chestnut bud to become aware of mistakes and learn lessons
- Chicory to beat selfishness
- Clematis to be more realistic and have your feet on the ground
- Crab apple to be able to accept and purify the bad image that one has of oneself
- Elm helps to be more efficient, but also to know how to let go at the right time
- Gentian opens the doors of perseverance and courage
- Gorse fights despair and pessimism
- Heather develops selflessness and helps you listen to others
- Holly fights against hatred, suspicion, anger
- Honeysuckle says goodbye to nostalgia
- Hornbeam know how to regain your spirit and know how to “rebound”
- Impatiens helps, as its name suggests, against impatience
- Larch helps to be determined
- Mimulus is great against shyness and fear
- Mustard fights against sadness without a precise cause
- Oak is good for strength and consistency
- Olive is good for exhaustion
- Pine gives humility and judgment
- Red Chestnut fight against fear for others
- Rock Rose is great against terror, panic, fears
- Rock Water helps you to be less hard and strict
- Scleranthus is good for indecision
- Star Of Bethelem is good against Grief And Punishment
- Sweet Chestnut controls emotions
- Vervain for a moderate behavior
- Vine to show respect for others
- Walnut to feel protected
- Water Violet for those who are rather solitary and distant
- White Chestnut calm the flow of ideas
- Wild Oat gives ambition
- Wild Rose makes you more dynamic and enthusiastic
- Willow helps you recognize your responsibilities and no longer pity yourself
The personality and temperament of a person help the Bach flower remedies counselor to choose the flower essence(s) that suits them. The diagnosis is based on states of mind or negative states of mind.
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