5 important benefits of writing for self-knowledge

Why do we write? Many people like to write, for various reasons, to record their experiences, to communicate, to express what they feel, for work, etc. In this article, we will see the benefits of writing for self-knowledge.
With self-knowledge, a deeper knowledge of ourselves is sought, to know our defects or limitations, but also our qualities and virtues to be able to enhance the latter and advance in personal development.
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Writing can help us to learn about ourselves, about others, because it is said that the more I go deeper and know myself, the more I know others. This article is for those who seek through writing to know each other more with the desire to improve themselves and improve their relationships.
Self-knowledge is vital because it drives in the direction of positive change. You can inquire into the past, see the present moment and think about your aspirations for the future, all this can be recorded in an orderly personal notebook and that allows us to resort to it when necessary.
Self-knowledge in short is a process of acquiring knowledge about one’s character, values, beliefs, and aspirations. Knowing yourself is an important step towards self-realization.
Benefits of writing for self-knowledge
You are your best friend and confidant
The first of the benefits of writing for self-knowledge is that you can be your best confidant and friend. When you don’t feel ready to share certain topics with others, you can write them down as if you were telling them to your best friend and confidant.
Even in very close relationships, as a couple, friends, family, we do not feel safe or confident to share more intimate matters, writing them for you is a good way to expose them without judgment or without influence from others.
A good memory database
Another benefit of writing for self-knowledge is having all your notes to refer to when you need them and refresh your memory since we do not always remember them with quality and/or detail.
This exercise allows you to call on your memory data and refresh it when you want to look back at a situation and remember what your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors were.
Over time, you could see certain repetitive or stagnant behaviors, as well as personal growth and change, also certain cycles that are interesting as a form of self-knowledge. In this way, you can intend changes and take responsibility for your cycles and rhythms.
You can therefore take responsibility for the pace and extent of your progress toward your goals. And you can celebrate gradual, staggered victories that are hard to notice at the moment.
Free yourself from stress and see the truth
Writing opens a space for you to let off steam, do catharsis, say whatever you want without censorship, take out everything that stresses you and expose it, make it present, this gives a feeling of liberation, relaxation, that is, it allows you to release stress.
If your notes are private, without a doubt that everything you write will be sincere, true, and uninhibited. The importance of all this information will give you self-knowledge, confidence, and understanding, over time you will be able to evaluate processes and make better decisions.
A path to self-understanding
Getting to know yourself more deeply, always with a view of growth, learning, good treatment, and development, will make you have more understanding about yourself, your cycles, processes, activities, relationships, etc.
Growing in your self-knowledge is a gift for you and your loved ones. Self-knowledge contributes positively to improving the quality of interpersonal relationships. So everyone benefits from these good waves of well-being that are spreading throughout the world.
To know who you are
The last of the benefits of writing for self-knowledge, without a doubt there are many more, is that when you write you spend time reflecting on your relationships and experiences, also on your likes, dislikes, weaknesses, aspirations, dreams, etc.
You are building a deeper and closer relationship with yourself and all this helps you to know who you really are and where you want to go.
Writing helps you communicate better and know more fully what you want to say. Thus, it is just taking one more step to express yourself in the world as you really are, expressing “your own voice”, authentic, unique, and unrepeatable.