Best self-development books to read in 2020 by Zodiac sign

We just brought together two amazing worlds, books, and astrology. Here’s a list of the best self-development books to read in 2020 according to your zodiac sign. Generally, every person will be influenced by different energy according to their sun sign. The vibes will translate into opportunities and challenges.
To boost the chances that 2020 is bringing in your direction, we chose the best self-development books to read in 2020.
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Best self-development books to read in 2020 according to your Zodiac sign
You love books, reading tips of wisdom and experiences, and the idea of mixing its teachings with astrology sounds like a dream! That’s exactly what we thought you would feel. Find out which book is the best one for you to boost your 2020.
If you want to dive deeper into this issue, you can also read the book related to your rising sign.
Dear Aries, 2020 has all the potential for you to achieve professional success. It’s a year of energy, active motivation and luck. But most Aries suffer from a little problem that can hold you back from achieving your goals: a hard time to stick to the same idea and project.
Aries definitely have a lot and great ideas. If you are one, you know all the energy you feel when you think about something new. Despite that, you also know that many times you give up shortly before starting.
To fight that tendency, our recommendation is for you to read the book Free to focus, by Michael Hyatt. This highly known book will help you filter demands, tasks, and commitments and eliminate all the noise that interferes with you. A simple and straight to the point, as an Aries speed requires, this book will help you find clarity and direction.
The biggest challenge is also the biggest opportunity, right? Being a Taurus, a stable and oriented mind, this idea is not so obvious for you as it is for more adventurous souls. Yes, we’re talking about changes! 2020 will again be a year of changes in your life, which can result in a period of disorientation and anxiety.
Fortunately, the planets will also give you time to rethink and reflect on what you love and value and to listen more to your heart. More than ever, it’s a moment to connect with it, instead of living to do much in your typical rationality. To give you a hand with the process, Radical Acceptance, by Tara Brach is a great option.
In periods of stress, anxiety, and confusion, this book teaches self-compassion and mindfulness. These are essential keys for you to embrace the necessary changes that will make your life move forward. An excellent combination of Buddhism spirituality techniques and Western world concepts.
The recommendation of the best self-development books to read in 2020 for you, Gemini, follows the good vibe that is embracing your existence. A year of self.-love, connection with the beauty of the universe and of your being, you’re living a great moment.
Despite that, you might find yourself struggling to balance and correctly use your rational side and your intuition.
To give you a little hand overcoming the limiting beliefs you have and trusting in yourself and your intuition, the You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life, by Jen Sincero is a funny, inspiring and pragmatic book. It’s the perfect book for those who are looking to create a life they feel thrilled about.
This year asks you to rewrite your story, to let the past in the past and start looking further. Being the sentimentalist and facing challenges in accepting the more realistic side of life, emotional intelligence, mental health, and spirituality should be your focus now. It’s important for yourself and to deal with the others, but it’s also a moment that favors your understanding of these matters.
Therefore, in this list of the best self-development books to read in 2020, the choice for you is the amazing book It’s not ok to feel blue (and other lies): Inspirational people open up about their mental health, by Scarlett Curtis. The book gathers 50 stories of inspiring people, answering the question, What does mental health mean to you?
Funny, emotional, raw, it will give you, Cancer, insights about what everyone goes through, and besides making you feel normal, it will help you understand the world in a better way.
2020 is a year of energy, willpower, and enthusiasm. Despite that, you Leo, tend to do too much, and you’ll have to find some balance. You’ll want to find out new worlds, to go on adventures, and you can! Nonetheless, you need to pay attention to your health, both physical and mental.
Because exploring and broadening the world will have as many different meanings this year, as many Leo’s read this, we have decided to suggest you a book about happiness and the different shapes it can come in. Dear Leo, all that energy, you have to use for your own concept of adventure and well-being, and not to show off or try to fulfill the social expectations towards you.
Radically Happy, by Phakchok Rinpoche will show tell you about the different concepts of happiness, but also, will show you how your perspective can change everything. Through mindfulness, it will support you to pursue your happiness.
Virgo, you love to have everything in order, in its right place and to plan every step you take! Nevertheless, this year will ask especially for more spontaneity. You’ll be forced to experience and to understand that there’s joy beyond plans, that there’s happiness in the unpredictable.
The next months will demand you to structure your life in a way that gives space and place to creativity and spontaneity. And to give you a hand with that, the extraordinary Shonda Rimes has an amazing book that chronicles her own process of saying yes to the unknown. Year of Yes: How to Dance it Out, Stand in the Sun and Be your own person is a funny, honest book that will inspire you to say yes, get out and conquer the world.
The energies will make you feel you need a safe place, Libra. Find it and enjoy it! Like is not always about being out there, sharing everything with the world and partying. There are moments and times for everything, and right now you are being asked to stay in. It’s fine, and eventually, this cycle will end and a new one arrives.
You’ll need to practice silence, and if possible meditation. Why? Because ready or not, your feelings will show up and you’ll have to deal with it. And, it’s important to have some tools to do it. Thoughts are not the enemy, by Jason Siff is a book that will teach you to let the thoughts and the feelings arise and learn how to use it in your favor. By changing perspective, observing patterns and know yourself better, you’ll be able to deal better with the time you are going through now.
It’s time to do the work, Scorpio! 2020 asks you not only to rethink your philosophies and perspectives on life but to act and change whatever needs to be changed in your life. With this direction, you might feel quite uncomfortable and try to hold on to negative thoughts in order to avoid moving forward (let’s face it, you’re not the biggest fan of changes either).
You’ll need to use your extremely good capacities of diving deep into things to help you move on, and not to hold you back. To help with that process, there is an amazing book, Quiet, by Ferne Cotton. The idea is simple, it will help you block negative thoughts that keep pushing you back.
Dear Sagittarius, the south node will enter your sign during May. And what does that mean? That you have a major opportunity to let go of whatever is weighing and hold you to your past.
In order to move on, you need to learn how to let go and once you do that, this year will favor your personal power, so you can’t miss this great chance. A great book to help you with this process is Forgiveness: How to make peace with your past and get on with your Life, by Sidney B. Simon and Suzanne Simon. This book is based on the seminars this couple was giving around the USA during the ’80s and on a personal intense story that you’ll make it easier for you to go through your own process.
Capricorn, all eyes (or should we say planets) are on you! This year is all about Capricorn energy and you might feel it intensely. There’s no point in avoiding that subject, the transformation vibes will be stronger for you and all of those who have a lot of energy in Capricorn.
The truth is, you are so stable, you need a storm, and earthquake and an asteroid to make changes. Ok, it might be a bit of an exaggeration, but you know what we mean! Due to that, you are on the focus. Practice You: a Journal, by Elene Brower, will guide you on the path of journaling. It will help you with reflection, embracing your own wisdom and your goals. Journaling is a great way to go through challenging times, and this book will help you achieve more clarity about this moment of your life.
Aquarius tend to rebel and face the norms of society. Despite that, you might be feeling you need some stability. Is there a chance that scares you? Sometimes the best thing to do is to live simply and to practice self-love. Have you thought how much counter-flow is that nowadays?
The book Joy Diet, by Martha Beck, is a great tool to help you this year by learning gratitude and joy in simple things of life. By teaching you 10 ways of daily gratitude, it will help you a lot with this moment of your life.
After 11 signs talking about a personal metamorphosis… the advice we have for you, Pisces, are quite different. You think this year is to find your place in the world but among groups. This is the same to say, it’s time for you to find your own tribe. Amazing, right? The only thing is that you are many times quite sensitive and your self-confidence is not always that high.
The Astros will help, but also this classic, How to Win Friends and Influence People, by Dale Carnegie. It’s one of the most known books, but that doesn’t make it less important for 2020. A guide for meaningful connections, it might change your life.
Use your time to boost your qualities, face your challenges and move on with your life in 2020. The year promises intense energy, and it’s up to you to enjoy it or not. Books can be a great help from those who have successfully face the challenges you are encountering now.
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