Birthday number: discovering your personal number

Your birthday number, or personal number is a significant number in personal numerology, as many numerologists believe that our soul and higher self predestines our date of birth. Our earthly life in the physical is a beautifully complex journey, and learning as much as we can about ourselves and our soul will forge the best path toward spiritual growth.
Personal Number: the significance of your birthday number
Your birthday number is an obviously important piece of the intriguing science of numerology. It may be shared by many others, but is unique to each of us within a multitude of other numerological formations and equations, that inevitably form who we will be in this lifetime.
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Understanding the significant numbers in our lives is a great place to start while unveiling our true self; it helps to reveal the talents and lessons we were blessed with to better fulfill our destiny. The birthday number indicates what we are born with naturally, and therefore what we need in order to help us achieve our life’s goals by focusing simply on the date that we were born.
If you have read our article on your life path number you now know that the life path number focuses on the bigger picture of your life. The birthday number focuses on one or more special talents and qualities that assist you in having the greatest version of this journey we call life.
It reveals the traits and characteristics that we do in fact share with others born on the same day, as well as those who have a birthday number that reduces to the same single digit number.
How to calculate?
For some, this is a very simple process; if you were born on a single digit day (the 1st through the 9th of the month) that’s it!, that is your Birthday Number. If you were born on a double-digit day (the 10th through the 31st) you must reduce it to a single digit cardinal number.
It is also helpful to remember that if you do have to reduce your birthday to a single digit, you all possess a slightly different energy than the others in your Birthday Number group. For example, if you were born on the 19th, your Birthday Number is a “1.” You share some of the same main traits and characteristics as those born on the 1st, 10th, and 28th. However, each of you have different variations of personal traits that are slightly different than the other “1” Birthday Numbers.
We have listed below each set of birthday numbers, and a brief set of the traits and characteristics you share.
Personal/Birthday Number 1 (1st, 10th, 19th, 28th)
- Pioneer
- Leader of the pack
- Strong and independent nature
- Innovative
- Creative
- Thinks up new methods of doing things
- Energetic
- Inventive
Personal/Birthday Number 2 (2nd, 11th, 20th, 29th)
- Harmony-seeker
- Sensitive
- Enjoys teamwork
- Considerate
- Craves partnership
- Cooperative
- Diplomatic
Personal/Birthday 3 (3rd, 12th, 21st, 30th)
- Most creative of all
- Enthusiastic
- Friendly
- Great sense of humor
- Fun
- Entertaining
- Childlike spirit
Personal/Birthday Number 4 (4th, 13th, 22nd, 31st)
- Builder of strong foundations
- Craves security
- Honest
- Self-disciplined
- Reliable
- Stable
- Practical
- Fair and just in nature
Personal/Birthday 5 (5th, 14th, 23rd)
- Craves stimulation
- Enjoys constant change
- Adventurous
- Freedom-seeking
- Resourceful
- Quick to act
- Curious
- Can be impatient
- Forward-thinking
Personal/Birthday Number 6 (6th, 15th, 24th)
- Magnetic
- Loyal to loved ones
- Dislikes conflict and arguments
- Artistic
- Enjoys quality and comfort
- Idealistic
- Humanitarian nature
- Strong manifestation powers
Personal/Birthday Number 7 (7th, 16th, 25th)
- Reflective
- Enjoys nature
- Deep in philosophy
- Profound thinker
- Seeks true meaning of life
- Quick to think and slow to act
- Private
- Inquisitive
- Perceptive
Personal/Birthday Number 8 (8th, 17th, 26th)
- Authoritative nature
- Ambitious
- Confident
- The “boss”
- Capable
- Motivated by success
- Craves material security
- Powerful presence
Personal/Birthday 9 (9th, 18th, 27th)
- Sees the big picture in everything
- The “humanitarian”
- Concerned with current events and politics
- Aims to make the world a better place
- Broadminded
- Capable of relating to all
- Cultured
- Spiritual
- Artistic
Stay tuned for future articles, where we will break down each date of birth and the slight differences from your date of birth and the others that reduce to the same final number!
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