What does Numerology say on your 1st to 3rd birthday?

The birthday number is one of the most important pieces of information about a person. He talks about personal characteristics, lessons learned, as well as weaknesses. If you were born between the first 3 days of the month, this article on numerology on your 1st to 3rd birthday will interest you.
Your birthday number in numerology
In Numerology there are different ways to calculate the number that has to do with each one of us, the number of our birth chart, the sum of the numbers of our year of birth, month and day, etc.
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But this time we will do it in the simplest way possible, that is: if you were born on day 1, that will be your birthday number, if you were born on 10 the same, that easy, without major complications. Go for it.
Numerology on your birthday 1 to 3, the number 1
When we talk about day one, we talk about Independence, people who were born on the 1st of the month are independent and always make their own decisions, it is difficult for them to accept external influences.
They are people capable of deep love, they are simple and express themselves clearly. They like modern things and adapt easily to new technologies. They can be very creative and use this virtue to achieve their goals.
They are also self-confident people, they have clear goals, they are energetic workers. Good companions, they love life. They are self-aware and have great leadership skills.
They do not like laziness, negligence, mediocrity, or disorder. They like freedom and for short periods of time they like to be alone.
Some of the weaknesses of these people are the lack of emotional connection, sometimes they believe the center of the universe. They are stubborn, and when they have low self-esteem they can become dependent on others which goes against their nature.
They are irascible and get angry easily, it is difficult for them to control their bad mood, which leads them to communicate incorrectly. They can be selfish, lonely, jealous, and bossy.
It is difficult for them to let go of relationships. They are critical, but they don’t like to be criticized. They can be proud. They make rash decisions and compulsive purchases.
Numerology on your birthday 1 to 3, number 2
People born on day 2 are considerate, loyal, emotional, and a good listener. They are very empathetic and like to do things for others. They are sociable, diplomatic, friendly and they really like to be with their family.
Those born on the second day of the month are romantic, they have natural artistic gifts, they are delicate. They are intuitive and they like the beautiful and the harmonious. They are dual, they like to give and receive. They think a lot or debate with another before making an important decision.
These people like to be in a relationship, they do not like to feel alone. In conflicts they always want to reach an agreement and can give in for the benefit of a successful solution to the conflict.
Some of their negative aspects are: they can be too sensitive which makes them vulnerable. They tend to blame others and do little self-criticism. Sometimes they lack ambition and courage.
In couple relationships they have the tendency to manipulate and blackmail, or to become dependent on the other person. They tend to present trivial arguments and are suspicious, fearful, and indecisive.
They may have a tendency to overeat, they like to accumulate goods, wealth. When they are not centered they can have outbursts of anger, become bitter, and leave things unfinished.
Numerology on your birthday 1 to 3, number 3
Those born on day 3 are sociable and friendly beings. They like people, have many friends and share with them. They are good brothers, honest, outgoing and not afraid of other people.
In romantic relationships they like their partner to also be interested in a social life and to give them some independence and freedom. It is important for them not to lose their circles of friends and groups of belonging.
They are people with initiative, bold and creative, they like to be successful, make a good impression and be relevant to others and to society. They are enthusiastic and cheerful and are often lucky in love. They like to travel and make well thought out decisions.
Some of their weaknesses are: they can be very superficial and mocking, false joy makes them too teasing. They can also be overly eccentric and ambitious.
They are critical, sarcastic. In romantic relationships, they often blame the other person, are jealous, short-tempered, despotic and can play with the feelings of others.
They can be arrogant, nervous, distracted, oversensitive, and have a tendency to seek unnecessary arguments.