Cancer and the 12 Zodiac houses

All the 12 Zodiac signs are present in your natal chart! That means you are influenced by the energies of all the signs, but in different areas of your life, and with different intensities. They influence your life in different areas, depending on the house they associated with. Then, there are also the planets, and aspects with between the stars. It’s complex, but by breaking it down in little steps, you can learn how to interpret your natal chart. Once you know your Sun, Moon and Rising signs, the next step is to learn about the Zodiac signs you have on each house of your map. Here you can find information about Cancer and the 12 Zodiac houses.
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Cancer and the 12 zodiac houses: find your Cancer
If you are not familiar with the natal chart, don’t worry, this step is simple!
What you want is to find out where you have Cancer on your natal chart. Therefore, after entering your data (there are multiple websites where you can do it for free), it will show you your natal chart. Double-check the symbol for Cancer, since sometimes there are signs slightly changes.
After that, find out the symbol on your chart. Spot the cusp, the line on the left that comes from the center, that intercepts Cancer. In the center, usually, you can find the number of the house. Each house represents a different aspect of your life!
Right now, you are almost ready to find out how Cancer influences your life. By scrolling down, you can find the way it interacts with all the houses.
Nevertheless, before moving forward to Cancer and the 12 zodiac houses, take a moment to learn more about Cancer energies.
Cancer vibes: your feelings and emotions
Cancer is the fourth Zodiac sign and is connected to the Moon. It’s fertility, imagination, sensitivity, and tenderness. This energy is mainly focused on the interior world, nurturing feelings of friendship and love.
It’s the water that nurtures life, and heals the wounds, fulfilling life, and generating new horizons and hopes.
Cancer is connected to the energy of the mother, the primordial creation of the world, and all the beings. It’s the cosmic uterus that connects all beings, and therefore the love of a mother.
That’s why people with a lot of Cancer energy tend to keep aspects of childhood during all their life. There is a lasting tendency to fantasize about the world and situations, to wanting things to be perfect. Also the need for a close connection to some people, and in the negative side of it, to be capricious in those relationships.
They love to give love, and always feel a bit emotionally needy. In general, this energy is unstable and lives in a rollercoaster of ups and downs, happiness and sadness, laugh and cry. Despite that, they want peace and harmony.
In the aspects related to Cancer, there is always in a fight between the illusions and fantasies of the internal world, and the challenge of facing the real world and be confronted with all the pressure and pain that also makes part of life, and they try to avoid.
There’s a strong relationship with the ocean, and water in general since it’s its source.
The greatest gift of this energy is its spontaneity and creative potential.
Potentializing Cancer vibes in your life
All signs have low and high vibes, and it’s interesting for you to learn how you can access the best energies of each of the Zodiac signs. That will help you unfold and reach all the potential in the area of your life under the influence of that sign.
Sometimes we reject some influences, while others we only access the low vibes of a sign. Consequently, is important to understand how you are dealing with the energies of Cancer in your life, if you are rejecting, accessing the down vibes of the sign, or already using it’s most positive aspects. Adding to that, there are simples actions you can increment in your life that help you potentialize these vibes.
Concerning Cancer, we have a few simple tips to share with you.
Three simple things to potentialize the positive vibes of Cancer in your life:
- Learn about your Moon position in your natal chart. It will help you understand a lot about your life. Deepend this information, it will clarify a lot about your feelings.
- Observe the way you deal with your house and start giving more love to the place where you live. It’s extremely connected to the vibes of Cancer and how you deal with it.
- Every day take notes about how you feel. Start to be more conscious about your feelings, the way you deal with life, and the real reasons behind your emotions.
Cancer and the 12 Zodiac houses
Cancer in house 1
If you have Cancer in your first house, it means it’s your rising sign. Therefore, you connect a lot with these energies and most likely the world perceives you through the vibes of Cancer. You need to understand your personality, your body, and the way you deal with the world.
Check out Cancer in house 1 and learn more about it.
Cancer in house 2
Influencing the way you value yourself and how you attract value into your life, Cancer in this house will connect these aspects to your feelings and your need for security. Learning about it helps you understand how you deal with your emotions, your fantasies, and your struggles.
Check out Cancer in house 2 and learn more about it.
Cancer in house 3
The third house is linked to your way of thinking and how you create a relationship with the world close to you. Understanding Cancer will help you understand the processes behind your thoughts, how you link ideas as well as some parts of your childhood.
Check out Cancer in house 3 and learn more about it.
Cancer in house 4
In its most comfortable house, Cancer here determines the way you deal with your mother, or a nurturing figure in your life, and your house. It will help you clarify your feelings towards your house and your roots in general.
Check out Cancer in house 4 and learn more about it.
Cancer in house 5
Cancer loves arts and hobbies, and this house is favorable to explore this area of your life. It also refers to the way you flirt and deal with light relationships including sexual encounters.
Check out Cancer in house 5 and learn more about it.
Cancer in house 6
Cancer in this position puts a lot of energy on your service to the world, your way of nurturing other people, and of taking care of yourself as well. Knowing more about it will also indicate some tendencies in your professional life.
Check out Cancer in house 6 and learn more about it.
Cancer in house 7
If you have Cancer in house 7, you can find the energies of this sign in your partnerships and your expectations towards your love relationships. Accessing the highest vibes of Cancer determines your happiness through partnerships and love.
Check out Cancer in house 7 and learn more about it.
Cancer in house 8
House 8 holds your underworld, your transformations, gains, and losses. It’s a challenging house and by understanding it you can soothe your transformational process.
Check out Cancer in house 8 and learn more about it.
Cancer in house 9
Cancer influences your relationship with traveling and your systems of beliefs and philosophy of life. There’s an influence on your mission in this life.
Check out Cancer in house 9 and learn more about it.
Cancer in house 10
You will integrate Cancer more and more into your life as you get older. It represents the energy of your future, how your life will look like. It also shows a lot about your career path and what you give the world.
Check out Cancer in house 10 and learn more about it.
Cancer in house 11
Cancer in this position relates to your groups and community and how much your friends influence the way you feel and deal with your emotions.
Check out Cancer in house 11 and learn more about it.
Cancer in house 12
Cancer vibes will be especially strong in the way you deal with your spirituality and also shows you your bigger challenges in life. To understand it will help you understand your biggest fears, but also your biggest hopes.
Check out Cancer in house 12 and learn more about it.
All signs have a special role in your life and your journey. Cancer shows you a place of emotions, love, and deep connection. Enjoy the amazing energies of this sign in your life!