Cancer Horoscope for March 2021

Here is your Cancer Horoscope for March 2021. Every month, you will find at WeMystic the astrological forecasts for your zodiac sign.
Cancer Horoscope for March: what to expect
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Cancer Horoscope for March: LoveThe entry of the asteroid Eros into House VII of Cancer (03/23), suggests that the natives of the sign will attach great importance to intimacy (sexual and emotional) in the relationship. Let us remember that with Pluto in this location (House VII), the superficial interactions are off the radar of the native, who above all seeks a deep bond with their partner, in a dynamic that favors transformation. On the other hand, the Full Moon in Libra on March 28 will touch House IV of Cancer, referring to the completion of works at home, or a possible change of residence. Likewise, the lunar event favors conversations with the maternal figure of the family clan of origin, the healing rituals of the female lineage (ancestors), and the exploration of the emotional world. |
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Cancer Horoscope for March: MoneyThe conjunction between Mercury and Jupiter in House VIII of Cancer (03/04) favors the receipt of pending funds, for the concept of family investments, insurance, successions, liquidations, copyrights, and financial instruments, such as trusts. In the same way, the trine that Mars will hold in House XII of Cancer with Saturn in House VIII (03/21), speaks of the resolution of an old conflict, which hindered the negotiation of goods or resources, which you share with third parties. On the professional level, the conjunction between the Sun and Neptune in House IX of Cancer (03/10) suggests a new expansion plan, or the visualization of personal goals, taking into account both the dreams (desires) of the native as the contribution you can offer to others. In this sense, the entry of the asteroid Pallas in this location (House IX), on 03/07, will be an excellent ally when it comes to landing ideas, setting deadlines, scheduling new commitments, and rethinking projects. Keep in mind that the New Moon in Pisces on 03/13 will happen precisely on House IX of Cancer, translating into opportunities abroad, personal development activities, publications, and launches through the internet. This trend will be reinforced with the entry of Mercury into House IX (03/15), which will emphasize creating new contacts, updating your knowledge (through workshops and short courses), and taking advantage of the opportunity to participate in conferences and seminars (as a speaker or listener). However, remember that on 03/23 there will be a square between Mercury in your IX House and Mars in the XII House, so pending documents or unresolved conflicts may interfere (temporarily) with your plans. It is worth noting that the transits and alignments on House IX of Cancer will benefit the teachers and students of the sign, facilitating the organization of academic activities; meeting with tutors/advisers; the search for a new study/research niche; and exchanging ideas with colleagues. On the other hand, the presence of Juno in House VI of Cancer, implies a commitment to the execution of pending tasks in the work area, and the accompaniment of teammates, who are just beginning. The arrival of the Sun to House X of Cancer (03/20), points to relevant professional recognition; contact with potential career mentors, success models, or industry leaders; and acceptance of leadership positions and new responsibilities. As Venus will also make its entrance in this location (House X), on 03/21, the native will have the possibility of winning the support of colleagues, and building alliances that are beneficial for their personal growth. However, make sure they are partnerships that favor both parties, and not just your side; Since, otherwise, the situation may turn against you, in the short term. Another astrological aspect to keep in mind, during March 2021, is the Venus Star Point (Sun – Venus conjunction), which will take place on 03/26, in House X of Cancer, allowing the native to visualize the success they deserve, and define new goals. Finally, March 2021 is a period in which it will be productive to place greater weight on individual projects, or on proposals that involve people in other latitudes; Since with Vesta retrograde in House III, communication with usual colleagues may not flow easily. |
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Cancer Horoscope for March: HealthIn general, March 2021 will be a positive period for the natives of Cancer, in terms of health. However, they must remain vigilant to avoid sedentary lifestyle, and food excesses. The entrance of Mars into the XII House of Cancer (03/03) presents an opportunity to analyze whether you manage your personal energy efficiently, or you allow yourself to be guided by automatic pilot, the old ways and patterns. Likewise, Mars in the XII House of Cancer invites more active spiritual practices (such as meditation in movement), and the defense of the rights of vulnerable groups (an excellent period for social activism). |