Capricorn Season: find the magic in fighting for your dreams

Capricorn season is here, and it is, above all, a starting process that promises to be memorable with all the transformative energies around.
The energy of Capricorn has been growing and intensifying is the last months, with a lot of planets, and now the luminous Sun, in this earth sign. With the strong energies of Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury, the South Node and the Sun in Capricorn, it can help you learn more what to expect and how to use the positive vibes of this energetic cycle. Let’s find out!
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Capricorn Season: main astrological events
Capricorn season starts on the 21st of December, the same day of the beautiful solstice that marks the arrival of the Winter in the North Hemisphere, and the Summer, in the South. It’s followed by the Capricorn solar eclipse, on the 25th and 26th. This moment is a portal to a new general wave of consciousness. It will be inspiring to seak new goals in life.
By Christmas day and the following, you have a unique opportunity to draw a new way, take action or plant seeds. What do you want? Plant it!
Only 15 days later, the lunar eclipse will give you one opportunity to look back to that choice, to the seed you decide to plant and dig deep into your motivations in life for seeking whatever you have chosen. Do be afraid to make some changes if they are part of your reflexion and conclusions. This is a moment of honesty, transformation and all the challenges that come to you are there as part of your process.
On this day, although the Moon is in Cancer, Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter, Mercury, and Ceres are opposing the Moon in Capricorn. Their energy is guiding us to get grounded. Don’t be afraid of it, it will help you make consistent decisions.
Besides that, the Sun in Capricorn will have to gift us a sense of grounding for the entire time of its duration.
Capricorn season: a grounding moment
It’s common to find people afraid of the grounded energy of Capricorn. The first lesson to memorize is that all the astrological aspects and signs have positive and negative vibes, and it’s up to us to chose which ones we want to feed.
That being said, let’s focus on the high vibes of the Capricorn season.
It will ask you for hard work and will give you the confidence that you can trust in yourself, sense Capricorn is reliable energy. So, by this time, get your stuff done and celebrate it!
It will also affect everyone with the energy of leadership. Remember to use it, but keep your flexibility and join with the others for taking things farther, instead of fighting to making it your own way.
Capricorn is about dedication and accomplishments, it is about climbing, getting higher. Isn’t that great and beautiful? What do you want to achieve? Are your goals material or spiritual? It doesn’t matter, use the astrological power to conquer it.
Would you choose any better way to finish one decade and start another, than with a reliable power?
Pluto and Saturn aligned
On the 12th of January, Pluto and Saturn will be aligned. This approximation is influencing us for some time already. Intense and challenging, both are strongly deeply connected with transformation. If you have been feeling the energies getting intensified in this direction, soon can be the highest point of those changes in your life.
Knowing your natal chart, you can check in which house you have Capricorn, and understand which area of your life will be affected.
Pluto is connected to sudden changes, so maybe there are a few things you are not conscious of yet. Remember, changes are part of our path! Saturn represents our deepest challenges, but once overcome, they create the base for our success.
They have been getting closer slowly so that we can get there ready for the upcoming changes. When it arrives, breathe and face the flow of life. If you were using the magic energies of Sagittarius to trust in the Universe and make the most out of Capricorn working hard towards who you need to become, you have nothing to worry about.
Not always these changes come in explosive ways, sometimes we barely see it arriving, since we are living our own life, we can’t always see and be conscious about the evolutions we make. To some people, these changes will feel like the entire universe is falling apart. In any case, use the energy of Capricorn to trust in yourself.
The Capricorn season is here no matter how we feel about it. Therefore, what can we do? Make the most out of it!
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