Centerpieces with good Feng Shui: basic tips

In Feng Shui, each room must play its own role. So, the dining room should not be assembled with the living room. Otherwise, you must separate them with a piece of furniture. It is one of the gathering places for the family. Therefore, a round table will cause exchanges. Having a mirror is always important to give an impression of a large space in the room. That being said, today, we will focus on one tiny detail of the dining room: centerpieces with good Feng Shui.
Centerpieces with good Feng Shui: the basics
Meaning “Wind” and “Water”, Feng Shui is a “home acupuncture” intended to rebalance individual energies. The wind (Yang element) is aerial and always seeks to go up, while the water (Yin element) is earthly and always seeks to go down.
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These two forces, always in action, interact and symbolize energy in motion. Chi circulates in our body, but also in our environment and in our habitat. Thus, Feng Shui is mainly based on chi, yin and yang as well as on the five elements.
Balance of Yin and Yang
Yin and Yang are two opposing and complementary forces, which cannot exist without one another. The excess of one nonetheless leads to the destruction of the other.
- Yin represents the feminine principle, passivity, darkness, at night, calm and receptivity.
- The Yang, on the other hand, embodies the masculine principle, activity, light.
The negative force “Yin” and the positive force “Yang” are in perpetual contradiction. They attract and repel each other. This interaction generates a Vital Energy: Chi, present in everything.
There is only one Chi, good or bad. Its quality depends on the environment in which we live. It is constantly flowing and changing continuously, as is wind and water.
Chi is an Invisible energy connecting the elements, the Chi enters the hearth through the doors and exits through the windows. When fitting out a Feng Shui room, the placement of the furniture must be perfectly studied in order to allow the chi to circulate freely.
Use table Centerpieces with good feng shui for prosperity
The type of centerpieces that you decide to use can improve the prosperity that a dining table embodies. Thus, you should reflect on your design and the whole theme of what you would like to achieve for this section of the house. Some potential options involve:
- A bowl of juicy fruitlet is an outstanding opportune centerpiece for a dining table. Don’t forget to swap fruit so the centerpiece is fresh all the time;
- Apothecary pots or high budvases can be filled with a variety of fruits to create an appealing and suitable centerpiece that embodies food and prosperity. Use only the freshest fruits;
- Garden-fresh flowers have dynamic vitality that is favorable for centerpieces. It is crucial to change out the water and switch lifeless flowers;
- A napery in a color that denotes the compass direction of your dining room is a wonderful add-on to draw Chi energy.
More tips for your dining room
Pictures and mirrors
Hang pictures of food, pictures with fruits, for example. If a mirror reflects these representations, it will amplify the energy flow and strengthens the feeling of Abundance.
Central furniture
Choose a round or oval table to stimulate Chi (circulation of Energy). It is better to avoid square and rectangular tables because the table corners represent poisoned arrows (Shar Shi in Chinese). The table occupies a central position in the room; the chairs are comfortable and in even number. The furniture offers an airy configuration: it should not feel cramped.
Table decoration
Put a tablecloth to dress the cutlery. Your glasses and plates should not be chipped. Offer healthy food during meals, of course. Decorate the center of the table with a bouquet of flowers or a fruit basket.
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