Consciousness Symptoms: 13 Signs That Yours is Expanding

Gaining knowledge and taking new and bigger steps in the development of your consciousness can be extremely difficult, but not impossible. After all, there are a series of signs that can show you that a new step has been taken towards evolution, indicating that your consciousness is indeed expanding. Next, we will know some of these consciousness symptoms or steps taken towards the fullness of being.
Consciousness symptoms: towards a full consciousness human being
1. Differentiate responsibility from guilt
It may seem confusing at first, but taking responsibility for something is different than just being guilty. Guilt has more to do with suffering, taking responsibility is about knowing that you are the cause and can seek a solution.
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2. Take on the frustrations
It’s possible to be frustrated with something but it is not the responsibility of the other person to be held responsible for this situation. Your frustration is entirely yours.
3. You are totally in charge
This is, in fact, a continuation of all the previous reasoning, where you realize that everything is in your own hands, being fully responsible for what you are experiencing and the paths you have followed.
4. You stop being the victim
When you realize that no one is responsible for what you are experiencing and that the command is all yours, you can see that you’re not just a victim of life. If you are resentful, it’s not because someone hurt you, but because you allowed yourself to be hurt.
5. And you stop creating selfish expectations
Creating expectations about someone is natural, but expanding your awareness can reveal that people do not come into the world because of you or to please you, but because of their own experiences.
6. You nurture your emotional needs
By realizing the unrealistic expectations that can be built about someone, it’s possible to become more independent, no longer projecting everything you need emotionally to other people. This makes you able to nurture your own emotional needs.
7. Solitude is bliss
When you understand the previous step deeply, you also create an awareness that the feeling of solitude does not consist of the lack of another person at your side, but the lack you feel of yourself.
8. Understanding the strength of self-power
Your own strength is fully capable of creating everything you need, so there is no need to look for something in other people. Invest more of your time in self-knowledge, as you may be better rewarded than knowing your neighbor deeply and not knowing anything about yourself.
9. You feel the divine presence in you and around you
The divine force is present in everything that is part of creation, everything that surrounds you and even your own flesh contains the cosmic essence.
10. Accepting the existence of imperfections and equality
There is no better or worse, and nothing and no one is perfect. All have their defects and qualities and exist as they can.
11. You never allow anything to be greater than freedom
Your greatest wealth is your freedom; everything you do must always be free in the foreground.
12. Expanding your world beyond its own limits
At some point it’s clear that the world does not begin or end with you, but there is an infinite universe that is alive and pulsing without my own rhythm.
13. When you realize that you transcend everything and everyone
Freedom is the key to a higher consciousness that transcends everything and everyone. This is an extremely difficult step to achieve, but once you are able to truly free yourself from everything – even yourself – you expand your ability to love the universe as you never imagined.
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