Cosmic connections: how we’re meant to live on our journey

Your probably familiar with the wonderful feeling of knowing someone you have never met before. Or that one relation you say – “I know why we had to meet” – because you know there were lessons to be learned or good moments to be shared. Or that other type of instant and crazy connection that seems to come out of nowhere! These are cosmic connections.
Some say we arranged these encounters before coming to this dimension, in the order we have to grow in some areas, release some traumas or clean karma.
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There is no doubt, each person you meet through your journey has an impact, a mark on your journey, no matter if they stay in your life for decades or sometimes five incredible changing minutes. The energy we give and receive shows the spiritual connection between people and is no coincidence, but power that had to come to your path.
There are different types of cosmic connections. Let’s find more about it.
7 kinds of cosmic connections

Those meant to awaken us
These can be disruptive relationships, people that shake our life! They appear when it’s time to stop and reflect on the things we’ve been doing and the path we’ve been taking.
They force us to look at the way we are living and deciding if we want to carry that way or stick to our valid values. These can go from important values or remind us the significance of appreciating life.

Those that bring us pain
These relationships aren’t always easy. Sometimes the strong connection comes with a lot of pain. The challenge is sometimes so big that the process is painful, mostly for the ones who resist getting out of the comfort zone.
Sometimes these are relationships that we can’t keep in our life, so learn the lessons to be learned and move forward. Play close attention and decide.

Those who stay is a kind of cosmic connections
There is a sense of releasing and relaxing, a smile that comes to our faces when we come to this part: those who remain!
Some people are meant to stay for a long time or even forever. These cosmic connections might not be many, but they define our lives, they grow up with us, go through the bad moments and the happy ones, they can be friends, familiars or lovers. They’re our sense of belonging.

Those who heal us
The cosmic connections with the partners that often provide deep healing. These are the ones who blindly believe in us and help us to overcome the pain of our past. These people remind us that all that we have been through is part of our spiritual journey.

Those who inspire us is a kinf of cosmic connections
Sometimes that person that is living the life we’ve always dreamed of appears, but we think we can never get there. That person is there to inspire you, to show you there is a way to be happier, to remind you the path is long, and you can still achieve many of your dreams. If you spend time with this person, you’ll feel empowered and stronger.

Those who remind us of our mission
It’s too easy to lose track of our tasks in this life. That’s why, often, people come into our lives to remind us of the purpose of it. They usually tell us of who we really are and put us back into our right path.

Those who teach us forgiveness
Life will bring you to the point that will push you to realize that holding grudges and anger will cause you nothing but stress and pain. Usually, this lesson comes in the form of a person, and they will likely have a significant mark on your life.
Through life, we end up many times in relationships we can’t understand. Sometimes these cosmic connections bring pain, and we end up reacting with anger, sometimes they are outstanding, and we want to hold onto it forever. Whatever happens in your life, remember there is always a lesson to be learned.
With this in mind, keep your thoughts positive, learn your experiences with your heart opened and grow up spiritually.
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