How do I know if my child is a crystal child?

The life goal of a crystal child is to live in harmony with the environment in which they develop. A crystal child does not make demands with tantrums, merely demonstrates what they really need; they do not scream, speaking in a low, slow voice. They belongs not to the class of gifted children, but to a higher and divine level.
They began to incarnate, more or less, from the years 1990 to 2010 and several continue to incarnate. If they come from the 90’s (the pioneers of the Crystal generation), many are already adults.
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The crystal child is part of a generation that promises to intervene in the world through love, peace and harmony. In this article, we show you how you can identify a crystal child. Maybe you have one at home. If your son or daughter is a crystal child, you should know that you received a blessing from the universe. You can be sure.
What is a crystal child?
People say that children are the cornerstone of the transformation of the world. For years there has been a theory that humanity will gradually improve through the genetic alteration of one or more generations.
From this theory, children are classified according to their psychological patterns and unusual behaviors. Some say that the first generation of spiritual children came to Earth during the 1950s or 1960s. However, their attempts to improve the world were not taken into account.
Crystal children are peacemakers who seek truth and balance, between the intuitive and the irrational. Unlike the indigo children, who will cause humanity to focus on human well-being through change, the crystal child has healing as their mission.
In fact, the crystal child is usually very beautiful, with a pure and luminous aura and very expressive eyes. These are children with two very particular attributes: they have powerful abilities that tend to be perceived as magical, and they have an extraordinary sensitivity to energy with lower vibration.
Signs that someone is a crystal child
One of the main characteristics that defines a crystal child and that sets them apart from the rest of the other children is empathy. The empathy of these children is far from normal: they can understand other people’s feelings like no one else, because they can feel exactly what other people feel.
There are people who describe this process in an esoteric way, as if the mind of the crystal child could enter the soul of another person to know deeply their emotions.
Artistic Gifts
The Crystals have a very great sensitivity and a connection with the spiritual world. According to Kardec, the father of Spiritism, artists are mediums and therefore the Crystals have many artistic gifts. Their art is very refined and connected with the spiritual world.
Connection with Nature, Animals and Crystals
Crystals have a physical and spiritual need to be in touch with nature. They like to do trails and they enjoy sports that are linked to the contact with nature. They recharge the energies this way too. They connect deeply with the energy of animals and love animals. Animals like them and are attracted to them.
A crystal child know how to intuitively use stones and crystals to heal and clean the environment. Some hear the stones speak.
The Health of a crystal child
Crystals usually have skin, food and respiratory allergies. These allergies are due to the adaptation to this planet and to the heavier energies of here in relation to the places they came from.
It is also an adaptation to the energy of the parents. Perhaps that is why many children are getting very sick early, something that did not happen 10 or 15 years ago.
Telepathy and Mediumship
Crystals have the gift of telepathy. They understand everything but do not speak because they think their parents and people around them are also communicating by telepathy.
They have the ability to heal. They know how to use their hands to heal and have the innate sensitivity to perceive how others are in need of rest and healing energies. Their very presence heals the environment in which they are. Crystals see spirits and usually talk to them as if they were talking to living people. They have a very strong facility to go to other dimensions.
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