Crystal Horoscope for January: gems for guidance and power

The Crystal Horoscope for January will be, for most of the time, under the energy of the Sun in Capricorn, but not only. Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury, and the South Node are also in Capricorn. Its energy will stronger than ever, and many times almost explosive. But… don’t panic! Everything is in its perfect order, and besides that, gems are here to help you.
January will ask you to focus, to keep grounded even though there might be a lot of changes and transformation. Therefore, having your crystals with you can help you with the particular challenges in your life.
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According to the energy of January, we paired each sign to the best crystal to help you overcome your challenges and bring you the energy you need to activate. A new cycle is about to begin, and you want to start the best possible way.
Crystal Horoscope for January by your Sun Sign
Find out your Crystal Horoscope and boost the type of energy you need to make the most out of January. It will be a strong month for everyone, but if you use its best vibes, it may end up in a deeply transformative moment. Therefore focus on the high vibrations of the energy around in this moment. We can always make the best out of it!
Aries: Agate
This is a moment when the energy of roots and your future will be fighting for your attention energy. Work and self-care, or work and family, might feel to opponent fields of your life right now.
Even though the energy might feel confusing, Aries, make sure you stop for a while and you take care of yourself. To help you with that process, carry an agate crystal with you. It will help you establish the stability and balance you need to your life. It’s a crystal of grace and easy energy, perfect for those who need to slow down.
Taurus: Angelite
Changes are on your way, and we all know how much you don’t love change, Taurus. There’s no way around, but you definitely need to bring reflection, peace, quiet and self-time for this first month of the year.
With challenges coming on your way, the Crystal Horoscope for January for you is the angelite crystal. You need to connect to the universe, to your angels, to truly connect with yourself and this gem is perfect for that. It will allow the messages of the universe to come into your way, and yourself to feel home with yourself.
Gemini: Citrine
Dear Gemini, it’s time to work hard, accomplish new things, but also to act without showing off to everyone what you’re working on. Can you do it?
If that scares you, we have good news for you: it’s a moment of financial abundance. Citrine is amazing to intensify that vibe of success. It not only attracts money, but it also helps you sharing it with the others in the most positive possible way for you and those who surround you, it helps you keep the money if you need to save up.
It’s not just about receiving, but also about generosity.
Whatever are your struggles with financial matters, put the best intentions in this gem and attract prosperity into your life.
Cancer: Red Jasper
The sensitive Cancer… you might have noticed by now that the next year will put you some extra challenge, right? You need structure, you need patience and a lot of love!
For January, you might feel graced with new proposals and opportunities. Please, make sure you think carefully about it. To help you with the process, the red jasper can be a great option.
It will activate your true passions and dreams, and give you the energy to keep going. It’s a miraculous gem, full of positivity and joy. If you tend to illusions, use it asking for wisdom, if you are more on the depressive mood kind of moment, focus on its happiness vibes.
Leo: Aventurine
Dear fearless Leo, it’s time to roar!
January will ask you to be brave and take that one step forward that can change your life. It’s time to take a chance, to assume responsibility for your own life and embrace it. When it comes to working, this moment can be really a life-changing turning point.
To help with those little moments you doubting yourself, the Crystals Horoscope for January recommends an aventurine. This gemstone is known for attracting luck. It will boost your positivity, and as you know, good vibes attract good vibes!
Virgo: Fluorite
Ah, yes, it’s right… you are the lucky one with a relaxed time for this season. Why? You have been working a lot, making efforts, now it’s time to relax.
It doesn’t mean there won’t be changed, but in general, it will be a smooth month for you. But please, take some time off, it doesn’t mean it will go like that for the rest of the year.
Fluorite is all about peace, calm and chilling out. Keep it close to you, remember to take that self-time and keep it next to you while you focus on yourself. Virgo is service, so this is challenging and the crystal will be extremely helpful. It will also help you regenerating your energy and your body.
Libra: Rhodochrosite
One month, two different vibes, the first half is about social life and partying. In the second part of January, you’ll need to be quiet and with yourself. If it’s hard for you to go into your shell, remember that you need to recharge your energies, there’s a whole year ahead of you.
To help you keep the balance to live both moments, the gem for Libra in the Crystal Horoscope for January is Rhodochrosite.
Rhodochrosite promotes self-love, which is all we need to keep balance and peace.
Scorpio: Titanium rainbow quartz
Scorpio, the darkest friend, it’s time for light! Meaning, it’s time for manifestation. Everything you have been working to, is now going to be materialized. Life is about to pay off all the work you have been putting out there, so it’s a moment of blessing.
Titanium rainbow quartz accelerates the manifesting process, so it will boost the energy that is already around you by this time. Bring it into your life if you have projects that need to be put in the world, it will guide you in harmony.
Sagittarius: Azurite
You always want to fly away, right? Well, we know how your head is full of ideas. Plans and projects, but January will ask you to take a moment before acting. Can you do it, Sagittarius?
The idea is that you think, feel and be calm for this one time.
Azurite is one of the stones used for meditation, which can be really good practice for this month. Meditation will not only help you be calmer, but it will also improve clarity on your mind. Azurite will help you calm down and stay focused.
Capricorn: Onyx
January can bring endings, sadness, and low vibes, Capricorn. It’s ok, dear friend (well, we know how hard it is especially for you, but it’s ok!). Everything comes and goes and by the end, you’ll be fine. Your sources of support are extremely important by now, your dad, your mom, a boss, your friends. Talk to them, ask for advice, ask for love.
Onyx will absorb any negative energy around you, but better than that, transform it into a positive thing. In a moment that can be heavy, it will bring you waves of release and you’ll even feel lucky.
Aquarius: Quartz
Your intuition will be strong and will help you go through a smooth January. The energy of this month can bring you answers you have been waiting for for quite a while now.
Quartz, one of the most known crystals, is also one of the most powerful. Perfect to activate your intuition and will gently guide you on the best path for you.
Pisces: Selenite
The energy is kind to you, Pisces, but it will be a big mix. The parties and a need to be quiet, the past and answers for the future, maybe even new love. Since you are quite sensitive and emotional, you might need a little help dealing with the two poles of energy.
Selenite is known for smoothing energies and emotions, exactly what you need now! It may even help you release all that huge emotional world you keep inside, and release energies you don’t need anymore.
Make January a good start of the year, the best possible way: always making the most out of it! May the gems help you with it.
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