Crystals and gemstones for Sagittarius: treat and illuminate yourself

We can count on crystals and gemstones as allies because they are great mystical tools that act in the environments. They cleanse all the bad energies, performing an important role in our lives. When we think about the personality traits we get from our sign and how to balance them, we can count on them too. In this article, read about the best crystals and gemstones for Sagittarius.
Crystals and gemstones for Sagittarius help you with your personality
If you were born a Sagittarius, your spirit is free. If among the fire signs, Aries is the aggressiveness and Leo is the beauty, you are the expansion of this element. Your soul is always craving for more while you wander through life trying to learn all things.
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You carry an optimistic aura and are always trying to pull people to feel the same. Although your joy can be infectious, sometimes it is hard to get serious about things that matter. Now, learn how to balance your aspects through the elimination of the negatives and improvement of the good ones. See below the list of best crystals and gemstones for Sagittarius.
Crystals and gemstones for Sagittarius
Onyx carries a characteristic that only by looking at it, you can feel: strength. This stone has a grounding aspect that is perfect for you, Sagittarius. You are so free that you want to fly high but sometimes you do not know how to return to reality. Onyx will work as a hand pulling you back.
Besides that, this stone can teach you how to be more responsible and strict with your daily tasks. Onyx also works as a protective shield against bad energies. This is very important for you since an open soul is always vulnerable to this kind of influence.
Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli is a blue stone that enhances communication. Although the chances are high of you being a very talkative person, sometimes you struggle to speak your voice. Sagittarius is known by brutal sincerity (or should we say tactlessness?) that could hurt people even without intentions.
Lapis Lazuli will direct you in a better way to treat delicate matters. If you want to be more gentle and expand your contacts network in a fluid way, this is a great option for you.
Labradorite is a beautiful stone that reconnects you to the mysteries of the Universe. You might have always been intrigued by these subjects and this stone acts as a door to them. Keep a Labradorite stone in your room and meditate in its presence when needing divine guidance.
This stone is good for you for other reason. It promotes changes (the good ones) and we all know how much you love movement and changes.
People often relates Citrine to the light of the Sun. The energies of this crystal are high, vibrant and infectious as your own personality, Sagittarius. When feeling down for no apparent reason, hold a Citrine stone in your hands. It will reconnect you to your live and true essence.
This crystal is also known for giving clarity about what matters and helping you to stay focused on what needs to be accomplished.
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