Crystals associated with the four elements

Do you want to connect with the elements of Nature? The world we live in is made up of the four natural elements: water, fire, air and earth. From the combination of them all emerges everything that we see, feel and live. People also have energy from the four elements of nature, and sometimes we may need to enhance one more than the other. Crystals are a great way to do so! Here you can find the main Crystals associated with the four elements. Enjoy.
Crystals associated with the Water element
Water is the element connected to emotions, introspection, reflection and intuition. It is linked to purification and to the subconscious mind. This element is very much related to self-knowledge, shamanic journeys, spiritual communication, sleep and dreams, happiness, security.
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Water connects us with our own needs and desires, while allowing us to generate more empathy with others.
Crystals associated with the Water element can help us to improve our energy when a relationship is going through a hostile time. When things seem not to be flowing, when there are communication problems or lack of clarity you should use these crystals.
You can also use the crystals associated with the Water element when you need to appeal to your intuition to make some important decisions. When a problem seems to have no rational way out, connecting with water can allow you to see it from another point of view.
3 crystals associated with the Water element
The Water element is associated with the color blue and black. The crystals of these predominant colors are usually the ones that best summon the energy of water. Some of the most common are:
- Blue quartz
- Aquamarine
- Blue calcite
Other crystals that can also be present when doing rituals or trying to connect with the Water element are: Amethyst, Ametrine, Azurite, Chalcedony, Hyaline Quartz, Lapis Lazuli, Lepidolite, Moon Opal, Blue Topaz and Turquoise.
The Water energy
Water is the most abundant element on the planet, as well as in our body. We are composed of 70% water. This element invites us to find the right balance of what is good for us.
In the energetic field, water is associated with the flow of feelings and emotions. It’s the element of bonds and the way in which we expose ourselves to them. Water, like emotions, is in permanent motion.
You may need to connect more with this element when you feel that your emotions and feelings are stagnant.
Clean water purifies. Connecting with the Water element is accepting that sometimes you cannot be in control of everything, but that you can let things flow until we can see them clearly.
When we talk about nature and practices of Natural Magic, we soon turn to the four elements. As an inseparable part of human composition, such elements are essential for life to exist and for it to develop in a Material (Earth), Psychological (Air), Sentimental (Water) and Spiritual (Fire) way.
People also have the energy of four elements and sometimes we may need to enhance some more than others. Next, we’ll tell what are the crystals associated with the Fire element and how can you use them to your benefit. Get to know more about the Crystals associated with the four elements!
Crystals associated with the Fire element
Invoking Fire energy with crystals is a good idea when a personal project is starting. It may be that we have decided to change our lives or thinking about betting on a great passion. In any case, the energy of Fire will help you to undertake this adventure and give you the strength you need.
The crystals associated with the Fire element can also be used when we need to increase our self-esteem. Whether you have a meeting, a job interview or an exhibition before thousands of people. This energy reminds us of our own value, that we have the power and the virtues to face any challenge.
Finally, Fire is instinct and action. It’s a pure gift. Therefore, it’s an element that we can invoke when we need to make important decisions that require a quick response and an urgent solution. Fire will guide the way from instinct, almost from the subconscious. But if we trust its warmth, the results will be exactly as they should be.
7 crystals associated with the Fire element
Fire is associated with the colors red and orange. Some of the most important crystals used to attract Fire energy are:
Other crystals that can also be present when doing rituals or trying to connect with Fire are: Amber, Basalt, Orange Calcite, Citrine Quartz, Hematite, Red Jasper, Red Gold Rain, Mahogany Obsidian, Black Obsidian, Oligoclase and Onyx.
The Fire energy
The flame that makes things burn. That is fire. It’s the element of intensity, of desire, of power. Everything that cannot be turned off. Unlike water, which is the element of empathy, fire is associated with individuality. It’s the element that leads us to connect with what truly turns us on, that gives meaning to our life.
Fire is associated with passions, with those things that make us vibrate and shine.
At an energetic level, the Fire element is what helps us get moving. It’s connected with finding those things that we need and that many times, due to doubts and fears, we put aside. Fire is the element of personal power.
Next, we will tell you what are the crystals associated with the Air element and how you can use them to your benefit.
Crystals associated with the Air element
We can say that it’s a good idea to resort to crystals associated with the Air element when we need to clarify some panoramas on an intellectual level. Boosting our energy will help us see things with greater clarity and make conscious and rational decisions.
We can also use energy from the air when we are immersed in creative fields. In this scenario, your energy will help you connect with your inner child and those fantasies that you see, as adults, we will not give you room. It can also help you finding new and creative solutions to face everyday problems.
Finally, crystals associated with the Air element can be useful in time to understand more of our thoughts and emotions. From giving words to things we feel and cannot explain. The air cleans and clarifies.
7 crystals associated with the Air element
Air is associated with the colors white and light blue. Some of the most common Crystals associated with the air element are:
- Fluorite
- Moonstone
- Pearl
- Celestite
- Blue lace agate
- Selenite
- Rock crystal
Other crystals that can also be present when doing rituals or trying to connect with the air are: Angelite, Astrophyllite, Yellow Calcite, Lemon Aura Quartz, Citrine Quartz, Yellow Jade, Landscape Jasper, Magnesite, White Marble, Eye of Falcon, White Onica and Moon Opal.
Crystals associated with the four elements: The Air energy
Air is what keeps us alive. It’s present everywhere and in each of our breaths. The air renews, purifies, cleanses. It’s the only one of the four elements that is not perceptible to the eye, although it’s always among us. For this reason, air is associated with those things that go beyond the senses: spirituality and thought.
Just as water has to do with emotion and fire with action, air has to do with rationality, but also with imagination. It’s the element that is associated with the mind.
In addition, the air is light and pure, which is why it’s connected with childhood and the inner child. There is a lot of playfulness associated with this element. Because it’s also so volatile, it does not stay in the same place, but is always suspended between things.
At an energetic level, air has to do with what we cannot see, but can perceive. It’s associated with the knowledge of things and with critical thinking, but at the same time with a creative look on things. It’s the element of creation, imagination and play.
We all know the importance of balance in our lives and this is made possible by good anchoring. The Earth element associated with the root chakra is, therefore, the basis of the Tree of Life. Its energy allows us to take root and helps us to see confidence in ourselves.
Earth element symbolizes connection with the material world and emotional sensations. It means solidity, slowness, concreteness, realism, perseverance.
It influences our vital energy, fertility and will to live. The corresponding energy centers are the Root and the Sacrum. They control sexuality, bones, blood, breathing, the entire structural set of our body. Get to know more about the Crystals associated with the four elements!
Crystals associated with Earth element
We can say that it is a good idea to resort to the crystals associated with the Earth element when we need to materialize things that are diffuse. Perhaps projects that we have very clear intellectually, but that it is difficult for us to find a way to make them work in reality.
The energy of the Earth is also usually summoned for everything that has to do with rituals of abundance. When it comes to attract material prosperity, this is the element that needs to be emphasized the most.
On the other hand, using crystals associated with the Earth element is also recommended for any type of ritual that has to do with the body. It can be very useful to have them around in moments of exercise or of recognition of their own corporality.
Finally, we can turn to the energy of the Earth when we need protection and support in our intentions. When we seek balance and security. Get to know more about the Crystals associated with the four elements!
8 Crystals associated with the four elements: Earth element
Earth is associated with the colors green and brown. Some of the better known crystals associated with this element are:
- Moss agate
- Emerald
- Jade
- Jasper
- Petrified wood
- Amber
- Black tourmaline
- Peridot
Other crystals that can also be present at the time of performing rituals or intending to connect with the Earth are: Amazonite, Azabache, Aragonite, Green quartz, Galena, Malachite, Boji stone, Turquoise and Unakite.
The Earth energy
Of the four elements of nature, the Earth is the one that responds more to the physical plane. It’s tangible, what we can see and touch. The Earth is also the place where roots are rooted. It’s the element that attaches us to who we are and what we must do to achieve it.
Then, the energy of the Earth element has to be seen with materiality, security and stability. It’s also connected with quietness, with that which needs to rest to bear fruit. The land brings us back to our vital cycles and physical needs.
This element is what connects us, par excellence, with here and now. With the state of presence more absolute. Because the earth is warm, sensations, but also self-care, tranquility and protection.
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