Taking too long overcoming a situation? To cut energy cords is key

Have you ever heard of the need to cut energy cords? Everything in the universe is energy. We can approach it by using quantic physics research – that shows us that our body has energy centers of information that are continuously sending and receiving information (or energy), creating transformation and affecting matter – or by simply noticing our body energy patterns.
We have a large magnetic field that protects us from the energies in our environment, but most of the times we don’t know how to protect ourselves from that energies that are not healthy for us and cords or attachments are created.
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How to cut energy cords?
Sometimes we don’t know why is taking so long to achieve something; or why we are always making the same mistake in our lives; or why is taking so long to overcome a situation; or the reason why we have a disease that has no specific origin; or why we feel bad when we are with someone; or even when we try to finish a relationship but we never succeed. That’s because the energy cords need to be cut.
Cords can come from childhood or adulthood relations or even from past lives. It may be that you never felt loved by your father as a child and you are running the pattern of needing love and attention that makes you create dependency relationships with other men.
It may be that you never felt loved by your mother and you activate the pattern of needing others to fill the hole inside you, creating relationships commanded by high expectations that, obviously, never succeed. Most of these cords are running our lives subconsciously and need to be cut so we can stop feeling stuck and create space for the new in our life.
Making the same mistakes over and over
There are some techniques to cut energy cords. We can use chakras cleansing, specific visualizations and meditation on cutting cords, aura cleansing and Reiki, for example.
It’s not an easy process, specially if you belong to the universe of empaths. Although good healers can facilitate our ability to heal, almost all the techniques can be applied by ourselves. And how? The following exercise is just an example:
- Find a quiet place where you can meditate. At this moment, you can light incense or do some smudging.
- Close your eyes and begin focusing on your breathing.
- Once you feel relaxed, envision a thick red cord coming from your tailbone, going deep into the earth, and tying you safely to the core. This is to ground and also to protect you.
- Think on the person, place, or thing that you wish to cut energy cords with.
- Visualize the cords and then imagine cutting them, with a scissor, a sword, burning them off or just removing them by hand.
- Tell this person place or thing that you love them, you wish them well, but no longer will be tied to them. Then remove the cords.
- After this, visualize the cord you attached to the core of the earth being untied and coming back up into your tailbone.
- Bring your awareness back to conscious reality, and have a good stretch.
- Thank your spiritual guides and leave the place.
- Repeat this exercise as often as you need.
What might happen after cord cutting?
After cutting cords you can feel lighter, like a weight has been lifted from your shoulders or, on the other hand, tired and exhausted. You can also feel angry because some negative emotions come to your awareness; or nostalgic for that connection you’ve lost, especially if you cut a cord with someone. But remember, we only cut the toxic energy part of the connection, not the person from our lives (unless he/she has no longer other role in it).
Despite what you feel in the moment, cutting cords free you and allow you to quickly and painlessly move forward. Like suddenly everything starts working in your life and pushing you to another level of evolution in different areas.
You can also cut and prevent cords by forgiving, avoiding an internal (and external) speech of drama and negativity. You can also do it by avoiding people and environments that drain your energy; overthinking about non healthy attachments to people or situations and, generally, by raising our vibration and try to be connected with nature and with the hic et nunc (here and now) – to the present moment we mean.
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