Differences between oracle, horoscope and tarot

Surely you like to be aware of the advice and forecasts of the divinatory arts, but do you know the differences between oracle, horoscope, and tarot?
Although there are many similarities between these three methods, they are not identical, and their differences are striking.
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It is also important that you know that these differences do not imply that they are mutually exclusive. This means, for example, that the tarot reading can be completed with an oracle card.
And when you use various methods of divination, their interpretation will help you better understand the message of the universe.
So let’s look at the main differences between oracle, horoscope, and tarot.
From the list of means of divination, the tarot is undoubtedly the best known everywhere.
The tarot is a deck of seventy-eight cards, each known as arcana, and there are major and minor.
You must bear in mind that this number is fixed, therefore, the tarot always has the same number of cards.
And unlike this method of divination, oracles can have a variable number of cards.
Each of the arcana of the tarot has a meaning, and when combined with each other they allow an analysis of the past, present, and future situation of the querent.
One of the most important differences between oracle, horoscope, and tarot is that, unlike the horoscope, tarot and oracles are not interested in time.
That is to say, whoever reads the tarot does not take into account either the date of birth or the zodiac sign, or the ascendant of the person making the consultation, since its function is to help the person who asks to find an answer to their concerns by interpreting the cards.
Because it is such a broad divination system, tarot allows subjective actions of the person who reads it, such as, for example, the way the cards are shuffled or thrown for later reading and interpretation.
Many people consider tarot and oracles to be the same.
The truth is that there are clear differences between these two means of divination. As we already told you, the tarot has a fixed number of cards, and they are always cards.
Oracles, on the other hand, can be letters or elements that allow finding messages, such as the I Ching or runes.
Among the differences between oracle, horoscope, and tarot, we can mention that oracles are clear and concise messages that do not require a “translator”.
These messages are for the moment and are focused on helping us think and act clearly in situations that baffle us.
In addition, there are many types of oracles: angels, crystals, fairies, flowers, etc.
Apart from the differences that we have mentioned so far, we can also take into account that the tarot and the oracles do not take into account the zodiac sign of the person who is consulting, on which the horoscope is based.
Differences between oracle, horoscope and tarot – Horoscope
The horoscope is a method of divination used to predict the future, or some specific event in a period of time.
The word horoscope comes from the Greek words “hours” and “skópeo”, which means “I look at the time”, since the date and time of birth are crucial to be able to calculate a person’s ascendant and their birth chart.
The horoscope is based on the zodiacal signs and planetary positions at the time of a person’s birth and this is what also allows to determine the characteristics of their personality.
As you can see, time is an essential element for the horoscope and its reading requires a lot of preparation and prior study.
So within the differences between oracle, horoscope, and tarot, we can mention that the horoscope depends completely on time.
Another important difference between oracle, horoscope, and tarot, is that the horoscope does not allow subjective actions of the person in charge of reading it.
The horoscope is based on time and the position of the planets, not like the oracles or the tarot that allow different “spreads” of the cards.
You already know the main differences between oracle, horoscope, and tarot and you can take advantage to combine them and achieve clearer and more complete messages and forecasts.

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