Numerology Number Three: Meaning, Spiritual Energy & Symbolism
Numerology is the study of numbers in the Universe; a phenomenal science that analyzes […]
The aim of the divinatory arts is to help us discover our future, to know the unknown, the impalpable. These are obviously different approaches that cannot be verified – man cannot know what will happen with the certainty of the Gods, but he can try the different arts taught by his ancestors to gain a better level of knowledge. There are many divinatory arts available. To access them, you need to be willing to open your heart and have the humility to listen and follow a path.
The divinatory arts available are numerous, varied and of diverse origins. The first is the pendulum, which, based on energies and magnetism, is capable of answering various questions about our future. Do you know how to use a pendulum?
Tarot is perhaps the best-known art form, in the sense that it is the most widely used. Tarot as a divinatory art is a card game that has undergone changes over the centuries but continues to exist as one of the best ways of discovering the future. What is divinatory tarot?
Numerology is based on the power of numbers as a means of transmission filled with energy and symbolism. Through this approach, you will also gain a better understanding of yourself and your abilities. It relies on each person’s name, date of birth and forename to predict the paths to follow rather than the future. Do you know how to calculate your personal number?
Runes are also an option for those who want to dedicate themselves to an art that comes from the time of the Scandinavians and involves working with their ancient alphabet and making draws according to themes. Discover the 24 Celtic runes and learn to decipher their meaning!
The divinatory arts date back to prehistoric times, because mankind has always sought to stay connected with God, the divinities, to be in harmony with the universe, the cosmos, and to understand the links that exist between the stars and his life path. These ancient folk practices continue to fascinate people in every part of the world.
The divinatory arts help us to unravel some of the mysteries of life in general, but also of everything to do with our personal lives, love, money, professions and so on. In fact, they enable us to grasp what we cannot see with the naked eye, what is unknown, to understand the present, the future, life’s paths, mysteries and secrets. They are also gifts that some people possess for reading the future, the ability to understand that future, to bring out and analyse what is hidden, buried in our subconscious.
There are various divinatory arts with different methods. These include the Gypsy Tarot, Numerology, the Oracle of the Angels and other popular, traditional and modern clairvoyance arts. All these divinatory arts are part of the Science of Divination and represent symbolic expressions that produce a kind of energetic mapping.
The divinatory arts help to answer questions of various kinds, from open-ended questions to which the answers are limited to a YES or NO, to questions that allow the clairvoyant to provide you with slightly more elaborate answers and possible solutions for organising your life and pursuing your goals.
Knowing what the future holds for us, or at least trying to understand it, also means knowing how to prepare yourself accordingly so that you can find the best path to follow. However, it is important to realise that the divinatory arts, while being methods to help us in life, are not magic formulas designed to fulfil our wishes and desires.
The clairvoyant, the practitioner, is generally a person endowed with extrasensory, mystical abilities, capable of helping his patient discover the causes of his difficulties and the paths to follow, through a serious clairvoyance session. The aim of the divinatory arts, through the clairvoyant, is to open a mirror onto the life of the person consulting the clairvoyant, the patient and their life path. Giftedness, intuition, creative imagination, knowledge and, above all, an open mind and the ability to listen are the main assets of professional clairvoyants and mediums who want to practise.
These days, with the advances in technology, clairvoyants and patients alike are opting for methods that enable them to get results quickly, but also confidentially, preserving their image, because despite their world-renowned practices, there are still many taboos surrounding the divinatory arts. Many people prefer clairvoyance by telephone or chat, methods that have become fairly popular, even though the great specialists continue to see their patients in person.
When it comes to online clairvoyance, you’ll find several of these methods on our site, with dedicated specialists in their chosen fields to meet your expectations. Don’t hesitate to read our articles on the divinatory arts and to request an online fortune-telling session!
Numerology is the study of numbers in the Universe; a phenomenal science that analyzes […]
Numerology is the most intriguing science in our Universe, having been around for over […]
Numerology is a complex science on how numbers impact the Universe. Numbers contain energetic […]
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