Divorcing a narcissist: 4 tips you should follow
Separations and divorce are one of the most disturbing psychosocial stressors for well-being and can be the cause of depressive and anxious symptoms. However, there is a situation even more traumatic for those who decide to end a relationship: divorcing a narcissist person, which is usually the beginning of hell, because someone suffering from narcissism is unable to forgive what considers a betrayal and – in their own heads – an unjustified abandonment.
Although difficult, nothing is impossible. In this article we give you some tips that you should follow when divorcing a narcissist.
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4 tips for divorcing a narcissist

Know exactly all the characteristics of a narcissist
Classic narcissists lack empathy. They are unwilling to acknowledge or identify with the feelings and needs of others. They do not care about the pain they inflict on others.
Outside of this, they are characterized by:
- Having a great opinion about themselves and believe that they can act outside the limits and legal norms;
- Being dishonest and “masters” in creating with agility a good image of themselves in front of others.
These basic characteristics of the behavior of narcissists serve to be more prepared to face the challenges that may arise in the divorce process, share the coexistence of the children (if the family judge so decides) and, most importantly, re-establish a relationship with this type of person.

Divorcing a narcissist – Stop paying attention to destructive criticism
While you are divorcing a narcissist or healing the wounds that this may have left, you have to create a good mental and emotional space in which the narcissist cannot access or touch, in order to be strong and regain control of your life.
This space can be built with the help of a therapist, life coach, support group, yoga or self-improvement courses that put you far away from the narcissist.

Accept that you will not change your point of view
Once the person leaves the life of a narcissist after a divorce, they will become their enemy for having dared to hurt the image that they have about themselves.
This means that the narcissist will lash out, belittle, and react furiously against the person with whom they shared their life. And you have to be prepared. So it’s very important to keep the work of recovering your self-esteem. For this you can find new talents and look for some activities to develop them.

Strengthen the relationship with your children
If there are children, it’s important to work on strengthening your personal relationship with your children regardless of what the narcissistic ex-partner tells you about it. Children are intelligent and often know how to differentiate between manipulation, true love and authentic connection.
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