Dreams About Being Chased: Multiple Scenarios and Meanings
The dream world is a place of our own, in which many things we […]
Some dreams are so good… that when you wake up, you want to go back to sleep. There are dreams that are so bad – nightmares – that you are afraid to go back to sleep. In any case, whether you believe it or not, dreams have a meaning, and it is always clearly connected to you, your life, your desires and your fears. Check out what your Dream Interpretation… and understand yourself better. Trying to interpret the meaning of dreams helps us to know ourselves better…and thus live better.
A symbol can invoke a feeling or an idea and often has a much deeper meaning than any one word can convey. At the same time, these symbols can leave you confused and wondering what you were dreaming about and why. Acquiring the ability to interpret your dreams is a powerful tool. By analyzing your dreams, you can learn about your deepest secrets and uncover hidden feelings. Remember that no one is a better expert at interpreting your dreams than yourself.
To guide you with your Dream Interpretation, we interpret several key words, symbols or objects that have different meanings and that translate into different dream interpretations. These meanings are by no means, the last word of what your dream means, but we hope that it will inspire you to explore your subconscious and be a suggestive starting point for understanding your own dreams.
Every detail, even the smallest element in your dream is important and should be considered when analyzing your dreams. Each symbol represents a feeling, a mood, a memory, or something from your unconscious. Look closely at the characters, animals, objects, places, emotions, and even colors and numbers that are portrayed in your dreams. Even the most trivial symbol can be significant. Our tips, along with your own personal experiences, memories, and circumstances, can guide you through a meaningful and personalized interpretation. With practice, you can understand the cryptic messages your dreams are trying to tell you.
Do you usually remember your dreams, or do you just have a vague sense of what you dreamed and then soon after waking up you don’t remember? Did you know that with conscious effort, you can remember your dreams, and even remember them in great detail?
You should pay close attention to the dreams you usually have, both when you are asleep and when you are awake. The dreams we have when we are awake give us motivation and strength to live; but the dreams we have when we are asleep help us to better understand some aspects in our life, and give us important hints about our own problems and longings.
Always have an Amethyst crystal near you, because this stone promotes intuition, helping to uncover the hidden messages and meaning of dreams. At the same time the Amethyst crystal attracts peace and tranquility, allowing you to better hear the voice of intuition.
Leave a notepad and pen nearby so that you can easily reach it from bed. We recommend a simple pad of paper that will be used only for writing down your dreams.
Before you go to sleep, make sure it is open to the next page for you to write on, so that you don’t have to look for a blank page when you wake up. Create your little dream notebook like this.
Keep your alarm close to your bed. If you have to get out of bed to turn it off, there is no memory that can resist. Avoid clock radio alarms, since the advertisements and the chatter on the morning shows can distract you.
When you wake up, even before opening your eyes, concentrate on what is going through your mind. Try to keep yourself in the dream, making sure you are already awake and recording the moments.
If you can’t remember, that’s okay. Keep repeating it all day long. As you refine your intentions, your mind will eventually cooperate.
If you can… go back to bed and lie down in the same physical position you were in when you were sleeping. Place your head in the same place on the pillow, your body in the same way, and close your eyes.
If you have used other techniques to discover the meaning of your dreams, tell us about them! We can share them here at WeMystic for everyone to improve those techniques and get more out of dreams. Send an email to info@wemystic.com.br.
The dream world is a place of our own, in which many things we […]
The first thought of dreams about being pregnant is usually about pregnancy in real […]
To have dreams about death is always scary. After all, who likes to “see” […]
Dreams have always been a mystery and a fascination for humanity. For centuries, people […]
Everything that is unknown to us generates a strange contradictory sensation: on the one […]
Here is one of the most common symbols of the dream world. If the […]
Generally speaking, snakes scare most of us. When these dangerous "beasts" invite themselves in […]
Our dreams are reproductions of our subconscious that happen spontaneously, without us being able […]
Crying is liberating. Sometimes, when we watch a sad movie, it's inevitable not to […]
Dreaming about hair is related, in general, with your health. If your hair is falling […]