Dream symbols with letter C

This time we are focusing on dream symbols with letter C. Learn everything about the meaning of your dreams and know more about three popular dreams beginning with the letter C.
3 popular dream symbols with letter C
A crown (no matter the material it is made of) is one of the most prestigious ornaments that a person can wear, so no doubt over it a crown is a very exciting presage. Now that we know that let us go into details, considering some examples and their interpretations; you see yourself being crowned, you see yourself with a crown of flowers, etc…
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Seeing yourself being crowned in a ceremony is a personal message telling you that you should be proud and happy of what you have already accomplished because people are already admiring you for that (reason why the crown is placed on your head by someone).
It goes in the same line with the Christian belief which states that on the judgment day they will receive crowns according to the works they did during their lives on earth . This message can also be tricky because if not correctly apprehended can push one into laxity and laziness.
A crown of flowers on head indicates your state of internal happiness and satisfaction. You are happy with your position in life no matter the hard times remain optimistic. But let’s see some more dream symbols with letter C.
A celebrity is a person who catches the most attention when involved in a group. For example, in a street if a celebrity is passing by there can be a fire outbreak and no one will notice because everyone is focused on the celebrity.
Celebrities are also known as stars because just like stars in the sky at night they catch attention. A celebrity in a dream generally reveals one’s personality depending of the scenario; seeing a celebrity in the dream, seeing yourself as a celebrity.
If you see a celebrity in a dream it reveals the presence of one of the “seven major sins” in you known as envy. You are envious of people who have what you don’t have. If on the other hand, you see yourself as a celebrity in your domain of action it indicates that you are very confident in your abilities it also speaks of your great ambitions.
Crucifix or a cross is a tool that was used in ancient Rome to kill very notorious criminals and is the last example of dream symbols with letter C. Generally a cross either speaks of punishment or spiritual captivity. As usual the details in the dream are always important to get accurate interpretation; seeing a crucifix, seeing yourself on a crucifix, etc.
Seeing a crucifix in a dream speaks of punishment for some wrongs committed. In church a crucifix reminds of Jesus’ death and its purpose, which was to take the punishment who was destined for you. The dream is admonishing you to accept.
Seeing yourself on a crucifix indicates to you that you are held captive by something which will eventually lead to your death if radical measures are not taken. It could be an addiction, a bad habit or even bad companions.
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