Dream symbols with letter J

Dreaming is something that usually happens when someone sleeps and sometimes requires an interpretation. Not getting an explanation after a quite confusing dream can be frustrating. These three popular dream symbols with letter J might help you.
3 popular dream symbols with letter J

A jail is a place where you are confined and probably deprived from your rights. Seeing a jail in a dream can mean that you are not free to express your ideas or your emotions. You can see yourself or another person in jail. Each of these scenarios has its own meaning.
Seeing yourself in jail might mean the guilt about something wrong that you have done and you want to punish yourself for it. You might have done something bad in your waking life that you do not appreciate and you punish yourself for that. Also, being in jail in a dream can symbolize a relationship in which you are not totally at ease. You feel stuck and can’t enjoy your relationship. You need to fix things with your partner in order to feel free.
On the other hand, another person in jail can denote the lack of joy or satisfaction that person experiences. The person might be smiling in the real life but goes through some serious issues. Dreaming of someone else in jail is a kind of call for help.

A jewel is a precious, expensive thing, which you do not want to lose. Thus, dreaming of jewels can symbolize your identity or the qualities you consider as precious in your life. Possible scenarios of a dream symbols with letter J can be: you receiving a jewel as a gift, you wearing a jewel or dreaming of a broken jewel.
If you see yourself receiving a jewel as a gift, it can mean that you are admired by your environment in your real life. People appreciate your qualities and maybe the work you do. Dreaming that you wear a jewel highlights the importance or the value you give to yourself.
You know your identity and you refuse to settle for anything less. It is an indication of self-worth. It can also happen that you dream of a broken jewel. This can imply disappointment in achieving your goals.

The judge is the person who renders the decision of a case either in favor of the plaintiff or against them (the respondent). On the one hand, you can see yourself before a judge. It symbolizes the guilt you feel or the willingness to take responsibility for your actions. On the other hand, you can dream of being a judge.
This reveals a personality trait in you, which makes you feel you are better than others, making you feel that you are either perfect or above the law. Nobody judges a judge. Seeing yourself as a judge could also speak of your high ability to discern what is good from what is bad.
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