Eco-friendly living: simple gestures to save the planet

Being green is good, but where do you start? Here you will find some eco-friendly living tips which will lead you on the healthy path of ecology. It can sometimes cost some efforts, sometimes not; however, the constraints will seem negligible very quickly.
By committing to an approach of eco-friendly living, you will feel the satisfaction and the happiness of being an actor of a real change of society, of simplifying your life, of reconnecting with your environment and with others, while saving money.
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7 Eco-friendly living tips

We start with water. As you know, without water, there is no life. It is clearly our most precious commodity, even if we tend, by its easy access and its apparent abundance, to forget it. And water can also quickly become a scarce resource, even in countries where it seems plentiful. In addition to its rarity, its collection, reprocessing and transport to our taps require significant resources, hence the need to save it. One tip to do so, is to never leave the tap running; always fill a bucket or something of the sort, use it, then fill another one.

Buy consciously
It will sometimes cost you a little more money but it is worth it. Recycled paper and refillable ink cartridges are already well established in our daily lives. Did you also know that there are ecological markers? Always ask or look for eco-friendly alternatives. On a side note, did you know that, for example, Polythene UK is making a star out of bio polyethylene? It’s a polymer, designed specifically to lower our carbon footprints and to contribute towards a cleaner, more sustainable carbon economy. Quite worth checking!

Reduce, reuse and recycle for a Eco-friendly living
Recycling and sorting means more than just throwing your empty bottle in the right bin. Literally think of the whole process that follows after throwing away your trash. Replace the plastic cups with real glass ones, throw your papers only when they are completely filled, etc. These small daily gestures will help the planet.

Remove paper
Try to evolve with your colleagues towards a paperless work environment. By keeping all your digital documents, you will avoid a lot of waste. You will find all your files much easier on your computer and, in no time, you will have saved a tree.

Choose the right products at the supermarket
At the supermarket, the plethora of products available to us can quickly make you dizzy. If we decide to consume more responsibly, we have several choices: organic, local, fair trade, seasonal products, vegetarians, bulk products, etc. We choose according to our own values products that make us happy, but above all we choose so as not to consume and waste, because an unconsumed vegetable, whether organic or not, remains a w

Favor public transport over the car
Another aspect of human pressure on the environment is through transportation. We therefore try to abandon the car for public transport, walking or cycling when the distances and the weather permit it, and, even if only occasionally.

Refuse chemicals for a Eco-friendly living
Whatever the field, the industry always uses harmful chemicals in all respects. If it is chemical and not natural, do we need it? The answer is no, we can do without it and switch to just natural. Also, give homemade natural products a try, you can even learn how to make your own house cleaning products too. For these only three essential ingredients: white vinegar, baking soda and water for an effective multi-use cleaner.
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