5 pratical ways to cut etheric cords

Throughout our lives we relate to countless people who bring meaning to our existence. However, relationships do not always persist. In some cases, there are painful ruptures; in others there is only a void of silence. The etheric cords that bind us to the people we engage with are not just a metaphor. In fact, if you are aware that everything that exists is made of energy, you can easily understand that your energy interacts with “familiar” people.
Not all relationships are healthy, and sometimes you only realize how damaging a relationship can be when you put too much emotional sense on them. This can make it harder to move away from people who hurt you, and it becomes especially difficult when the relationship ends.
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But not all etheric cords are negative so depending on what is within you will determine if the cord drains you or builds you up and nurtures you. This is the same when non-serving cords are sent towards you. In this article we’ll show you 5 ways to cut negative etheric cords.
Etheric cords: cut and prevent them from returning

This one comes up all the time. You will never be able to cut non-serving cords if you do not forgive. If you hold any emotion or thought that blames, hates or seeks revenge, you will inadvertently be cording the person or thing that you don’t want. This is undoubtedly the number one cause of repetitive non-serving cording that I see. It is almost always you who will be doing the cording also, so it is essential to always start with forgiveness.

Avoid drama
The second most common cause for non-serving cords is living in and entertaining drama. Energetically, drama is chaotic energy, which is never able to bring peace or balance. Due to this if you have chaotic energy around you caused by drama, you will not be able to maintain healthy etheric cords.

Avoid storytelling
This may sound similar to drama, but actually, it is more about constructing stories (non-truths or lies) about people around us and also about ourselves. This is also a common reason why non-serving cords attach.
Storytelling not only binds you to the non-truths but also binds you to others and things through the non-serving cords that this creates. It becomes very easy to feel stuck and drained when indulging in storytelling.

Karate chop your etheric cords
This is a wonderful way to remove cords quickly. Do a quick karate chop over and across your solar plexus chakra. While doing this hold the intention that all non-serving cords are removed. This exercise works as most non-serving cords tend to attach at and around the solar plexus from normal daily activities.

Meditation and visualization
If you are already practicing meditation, it is super easy to include a non-serving cord cutting visualization into this. Before you complete your meditation, use your intention to cut the non-serving cords and feel them releasing. Use visualization to then see this happening and the areas where they may have been attached healing and sealing. You can use this visualization anywhere, and you do not necessarily need to be meditating.
An important tip for understand which etheric cords are positive and which are negative is to feel in each area of your body whether the energy enters or leaves. Negative cords “push” negative energy into you, making you feel like something is weighing in, forcing it in. The positive cords emanate a positive energy from you that radiates in a light and pure way.
In addition, the negative cords are usually found in the solar plexus chakra above the stomach, the center of power and control of our energy.
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