The best way to ward off the evil eye from neighbor

Your neighbors, or one neighbor in particular, just don’t stop annoying you? Are you having constantly problems in your neighborhood and simply don’t know what can you do more? In this article we’ll show you some of the best ways to ward off the evil eye from neighbor. Take that disturbing eye away and take back the control of your life.
Ingredients to ward off eye from neighbor
For this ritual you will need a large glass of water, three rosemary twigs and a tablespoon of coarse salt. For an entire month, no matter which, you should repeat this process every single Monday ward off the evil eye from neighbor.
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How to prepare the ritual to ward off the neighbor?
The whole procedure is quite simple. First, choose a peaceful and quiet place to leave the large glass of water and all the ingredientes where no one can’t access to. Just put the salt and rosemary twigs in the glass of water and then leave the container in the chosen part of the house. Remember, you have to repeat the same process all Monday mornings.
When you leave the large glass in the chosen part of the house, you must think positively about the bright side of your life and take the opportunity to say thanks.
When you get back from your daily routine, remove the rosemary twigs and throw away the water into the bathroom or kitchen sink. While you’re throwing it all away, you need to keep up the positive thoughts, so that the fat eye follows them naturally down the sink. Quiet simple, isn’t it?
As we know, besides the fat eye, some neighbors can also be quite gossipy and envious. Here’s how to prepare two other rituals against your neighbors’ negativity.
Ritual against neighbor’s gossipy
For this specific problem, you will need a glass bottle, a liter of water, 1 pot of mother-in-law’s tongue plant and 100 grams of chilli pepper.
Add the chilli to the water and bring to a boil. When it’s done, put the mixture into the glass bottle. Without your neighbor knowing or being at home, throw some of the mixture at your door.
Take the rest and throw in the vase with the mother-in-law’s tongue plant, always with all the positive thoughts that you can think of.
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