The 6 types of extrasensory perceptions

We all have that sixth sense that we can’t explain. This issue has been researched and explored by the scientific community and is called extrasensory perceptions.
Extrasensory literally means “extra the senses we know”, which are the view, tact, listen, smell and taste. Extrasensory perceptions (ESP) is the capacity to receive and process independently of the five senses. That’s the reason why it’s called the sixth sense.
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What you need to know about extrasensory perceptions
Some sciences state that this information is received through the mind, but others admit that it can be something more mysterious or by the heart. This perception seems not to be limited by time and space like the other senses and can manifest in different types.
Types of extrasensory perceptions
There are six different types of extrasensory perception that are scientifically defined, namely:

Extrasensory Perceptions – Telepathy
Have you ever come so close to someone that it seems like you can read what they are thinking? Or have you repeatedly said the same exact phrases, at the same time as another person? This phenomenon can happen to anyone person and is characterized by this feeling of being able to connect with someone in a way that it seems you can read their thoughts.
Telepathy is a kind of extrasensory perception and the most famous and studied. Some people, the telepaths, have this capacity so strong that they know other people’s thoughts and can communicate using only their minds.

Precognition is the capacity to know the future. Some people can perceive information about future events, people and places before they even happen. Nostradamus in one of the most well-know example. Precognition comes from 2 words in Latin: Pre, which means “before” and Cognito, which means “to know”.

Retrocognition is the opposite of precognition, is the capacity to see the past, at least the distant past. That means the people with this capacity can recognize people, places and events from the past that they had never had an interaction with. Some people identify this with déjà vu feeling. Retrocognitive people can often describe, with surprisingly precise detail, what the specific events of the past were like.

Extrasensory Perceptions – Psychokinesis
This is the term used for the capacity of having an effect on an object without using any kind of force.
The word “psychokinesis” comes from two Greek words Psyche, which means “mind” and Kinesis, which means “movement”. The word “telekinesis” is translated similarly as “distance movement”.

Clairvoyance refers to the capacity of seeing information about an object, person, place or event at any time. It’s most active during meditation, but it can happen involuntarily.

Extrasensory Perceptions – The mediumship
This is a form of sixth sense that consists in the capacity of communicating with the dead and with spirits. It can manifest in different ways, depending on the personal intentions, and it can combine various forms of extrasensory perception, mentioned earlier.
There’s still a lot to explain and find out about extrasensory perception, but it’s undeniable that every person has the capacity to know a lot more than what can be seen.
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