Feng Shui items: their symbolism and use

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese approach that studies the effects of natural and built environment energies on people, their health, their relationships, and their prosperity. Learn more about the symbolism of popular Feng Shui items and their use in your household.
What do Feng Shui elements offer for a healthier life?
The first thing we should know is that, according to Feng Shui techniques, all people are composed of five elements: metal, fire, wood, water, and earth.
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Each element has its special meaning and each one of them must be present in our surroundings in a proper way.
Decorative water fountains and their importance
It is not uncommon to find water fountains being used in the decoration of homes, offices and other environments. What few people know is that water fountains improve Feng Shui, that is, it makes the improvement of the energies generated by the environment possible.
Water is one of the most essential elements of human life and must always be in motion. More than a decorative object, the water fountain is one of the important items. The fountain, in addition to remitting positive energy, generates a unique sound effect for the environment. The noise of the water creates a positive and relaxing atmosphere.
Feng Shui items: the sacred animals
The snake is the center and symbolizes the dwelling itself, the house that will be built to become a home. The snake never rests, it is always ready to act and has all the other animals around it, protecting it.
Feng shui items – Turtle
The turtle is a tough hard-shell animal that emits protective energies, safety, and stability. It is located in the back of the house and it also means power, authority, and firmness.
The dragon represents the left side of the dwelling. It symbolizes knowledge, wisdom and also creativity. This animal possesses subtle and sensible energy, bound to the deities. It symbolizes the power of expansion and growth.
The tiger represents the right side of the dwelling. It has several meanings: physical strength, preservation instinct, material sustenance (money), and energy for action. It is also an animal of receptivity and sweetness.
The phoenix represents the front of your house. It is at this point that our dreams and our desires are located and from there we look at the horizon. It is by this point that the Chi energy enters our home and the Phoenix is there to expand our ability to see.
If the front of the house is obstructed, for example, the Chi energy won’t enter and will be symbolically blind. Therefore, nothing should obstruct the entrance of our house, because it will prevent us from seeing our goals and horizon.
Take care of your sacred animals, balance your energies and use Feng Shui to improve the quality of the internal energy of your home.
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