Flowers and Feng Shui: giving a boost to your wishes

Do you love flowers? Then for sure you want to find out how flowers and Feng Shui work. In order to make your home your perfect shelter, a harmonious and balanced place, Feng Shui is a great tool, and flowers will add an amazing final touch.
Everywhere in the world, people use flowers as symbols. Applied to your house, you want to focus on its beauty and harmony. Flowers will positively increase the peaceful energy you want to promote in the place you go for resting and recharging your energies.
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Find out what flowers and Feng Shui can do for your happiness.
Flowers and Feng Shui: blossom at your home
As we previously said, flowers represent different energies, moments, wishes. All cultures use flowers in some way, and usually, people have personal connections with it.
Generally, flowers are connected to beauty and grace. Adding to that, sensuality, blossoming, blessings, and good luck are also linked to it. Flowers and Feng Shui are connected to the energy of chi.
Despite the fact that you can, and should, use photos of flowers, wallpapers, paintings and drawings, alive flowers will boost healing energy in your life.
The uses
There are a few flowers that all Feng Shui specialists will mention. These are Orchids (we’ll talk about it), Peonies, Chery Blossoms, and Lotus Flowers. But in case you can’t have access to these ones, that doesn’t mean you can’t apply the rules of Feng Shui to your home.
Here are some of the most important uses of flowers to give some more happiness and abundance to your life.
If you want to boost your love life, attract it, and keep it in your life, you can use the power of flowers. Clean the right corner of your bedroom and then rub roses oil in that area.
If you want to give it even more power, put roses on that corner. Red roses will also light the flame of passion.
The kitchen is related to your feelings and emotions, connected with sharing life with others. There’s nothing better than having a beautiful space, with orange and yellow flowers to remind you how beautiful is life and to attract happiness. Little suns on your life all the time.
If you are in that moment of your life, thinking about expanding your family, you might want to have orchids as your ally. Consider this is no miracle, but having orchids on the right side of your bed will give you good vibes and an extra hand with your next dream.
This one you can use in your home or in your office, or both, in fact. On the left corner place purple alive flowers. These represent royalty and attract abundance, prosperity. Not only in money ways, but in any way you need in your life
Also connected to the money flow of your life, it’s important to have green plants on your bathroom, or at least, decoration with a lot of green plants.
We hope you can use these simple tips to make your home even a more delightful and happy place!
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